Tuesday, September 27, 2011



There is not any authority who can tell them to stop. I cannot even go to the bookies to make a small time bet since sometimes the space is filled with young hooligans who swear obscenities "at his dead bulgarian and turkish mother" from half a meter away behind me. They have no principles and when I am turned with my back I keep thinking not of these Serb hooligans and whether they will throw a potent acid into my face but I think of Drexel University (as well as the University of Pennysylvania) where it all started back in 1995 and I wonder what kind of monster thinking (there...) could have ruined one life - my life since I am going through the real Hell since 1995.
I hope these bastards and bastards who own Drexel U. and U. of P. learn what is the true wrath of the Lord. If you think they cannot do that in Philadelphia please see a movie call Trading Places, that's what they did it to me (the similar thing). The only difference is that I was unable to fight back as the movie hero did. They have destroyed me. It was their victory and my story is without happy ending.
Do I owe anyone anything to be treated this way for 16 years?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I an't going nowhere. What idea of coexistence Serbs have when they keep callling me this or that. "Look at this or look at that!!!" Hardly anyone knows my Christian name, I am usually the IT like in George Groddeck's book! It's safe to say, the only fair play person I could meet around here in Belgrade is Novak Djokovic, he is a totally all right guy. They are simply not allowing me to coexist in the same country.

Now, imagine anyone having to put up with the hostile 1/10th out of entire Serbian population on daily basis. I mean, I have been feeling like shit for years being unable to organize myself to do anything right and esp. to start a new family. This injustice is highly distressing...Let Him Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone. HOW IT WOULD BE IF SOMEONE WOULD MOLEST THEIR CHILDREN ( IN SCHOOL ) OR THEM DAY IN DAY OUT AGAINST THEIR WILL AND WITHOUT ANY RESERVATIONS. I PRAY THE LORD SHOWS THEM HOW I FEEL IN MY SKIN BECAUSE OF THEM. THEY WON'T BE VERY HAPPY IF THEY SURVIVE THAT. I ALSO FEEL THE INCIDENT IN THE BUS (SEE THE POST BELOW) WAS SET UP BY THOSE THAT RETURNED ME FROM AMERICA IN 2002/03...
I would not mind if atomic bomb would selectively (though impossible) destroy all those Serbs and Americans that are the hating monsters? This involves many, from hooligans to police. I always ask, what do I owe Serbs to treat me this way? I was born here, I grew up here. Serbs rank among the top international criminals and druglords, why are not they - both Serbs and Americans after them, why are these cowards after me plus they are instigating the human garbage, criminals, all kinds of scumbags and lowlifes, hooligans as well as "seemingly" moral citizens to pick on me? Many of them hate also President Tadic saying that he is Croatian Ustasha (see http://www.serbiancafe.com/ discussions, topic: politika) because of the origin of his mother. I think Tadic is a joke, since it is not freedom if someone is ruining my life and by that I mean that malicious rumors of all kinds are preventing me from living free and that there is not such a force that can stop these rumors and crazy people that are allowed to mentally and physically torture me, see only the post about the ticket controller who went berserk below. Tadic is the joke, because he cannot do anything to prevent or stop that.
Noone can do anything to stop them. Even if God looks upon me and I win one million dollars on the National Lottery there will come one hating holligan or police officer tomorrow and throw a caustic soda into my face. Who taught them to hate me? They turned their hatred to the extremes in the process because they are extreme. Someone put me into their twisted thoughts. I would want so much that he, she, or them pay the ultimate price together with their families same as they did mine!!! There is no justice. For me it is the life of fear and those who did it will never acknowledge it. Only God can judge them and hope God does. I am asking do I owe anything to anyone? I think it is the biggest blessing when you are innocent and they are attacking you. It should backfire on them and their kids. IT is the only way. Someone has to pay for it. For the blood of the innocent and unborn children since this is not the life I wanted neither I did deserve this life without a possibility to found a family. I had one, but the Americans destroyed it. These Serbian hooligans AND VARIOUS OTHER sERBS THAT ARE NOT ALLOWING ME TO HAVE A PEACE OF MIND, if they ever found one family OR HAVE A FAMILY, I am sure their kids will be the madmen or drug addicts. Someone akin to them has to pay for the blood of the innocent ones.

Serbian Minister of Police Ivica Dacic said it well tonight (Sept., 30th) on B92 INFO Channel News' vis-à-vis interview:"Under the pretext of fighting terrorism a number of human rights are suspended in the United States." This is exactly what happened to me. Perhaps I bought something from somebody (who was under federal surveilance) on ebay back in the 1990s, but my basic rights (to live with my family, to procreate, etc) were definitely suspended in America, and now in Serbia I am prevented from even establishing my rights in the same sense of the word. It appears, I cannot be Born Again in this lifetime. I took it, someone also has to take the consequences for my ruined family.

Friday, September 23, 2011


the things happened today. I was waiting off a bit to post here, I needed some time to cool down. whoever reads my life story will see why and how unsuspecting people become the enemies of the state. USA created my problem and kicked hot potatoes into the hands of serbs who by the way have no clue about anything and esp. not about the love and understanding.
today as i punched in my ticket in the bus 31 rolling down from karadjorjdev park to slavija center city i asked the ticket controller to pose for a photo with my ticket in his hand. the photo i wanted to take for this blog to show how there are some nice ticket controllers indeed. alas, this very young man, around 20 yoa, had second thoughts and straight he went to the three uniformed men - communal policemen - that were standing in the middle of the bus with/for him and that are usually accompanying the total of 3 ticket controllers in apprehending those serbs without tickets in every vehicle. it is the technique of governmental oppression (ratcheting up pressure on pisspoor society) as someone realized how much money there is in tickets and transportation business. it pays off to have the total of six in each vehicle to collect each ride card.
again, if you never had sex come to serbia to see how nice and expensive it is to travel in these prehistoric vehicles where there is hardly ever an empty seat available, and where you can scrub and masturbate against the unsuspecting fellow passengers, cos a number of times you are in their comfort zone and where you can die from ACs they built into these old wrecks but at all times they are turned to maximum. so if you sweat a lot like me or have cold you can die travelling with gsp belgrade.
anyhow, this young fellow complained to these three men in black and soon i was surrounded by the total of six: three communal policemen and threee ticket controllers even though i had a ticket and everything. i exited the bus and they followed me because they wanted to fine me since i took one photo!!!! apparently, i was not allowed to take a photo because by doing that i was preventing the official person of the government (according to the new bullshit serbian law) - a ticket controller - in doing his business. tiny bullshit serbian style. to cut the long story short: the problem was that i took a photo. now, they wanted my ID and threatened with 60000.00 dinars fine. well, i just snapped a shot and while i was surrounded i snapped some more. i told these "gestapo fascist soldiers" to leave me the fuck alone but these three started following me like wild dogs as these communal policemen are shitheads without guns and reason who like to show off against innocent and powerless citizens. it is like empowering security guards (in USA) or black water men to play cops on the streets. serbia has become a poligon for many imposed western bullshit, but on the contrary, i have not seen these things in USA, perhaps they stem from Germany. i think it is possible that one Pinkerton S/O becomes a street cop on duty only in video game but bloody germans probably told serbs they need to impose this bullshit to join EU. after this, i do not want to join EU. Fuck you bastards! I will never vote for you. communal police not only presents a shock to the system but these guys are usually poorly trained bunch of wackos who are here to enforce goverment bullshit. USA does not have this piece of shit spending governmental money for nothing. and, what i hate most about them, they all came on duty knowing someone from/in the government. they were not meant to do this job, but came because it pays well for doing nothing and they are well connected. i can only say they are the far-end personal guard of our president who has nothing to do with democracy. before, in times of milosevic, you could complain about nondemocratic government and USA would understand it. now, even though these "modern" democrats are much worse than milosevic has ever been, you cannot complain to anyone about those who impose, tailor and twist laws as it suits them for they are the sons and daughters of those in power. by looks of these troika (the three) i''d say one was jewish, one montenegrin and one was serb.
if i was not intelligent USA would never put a smoke up my ass big time style like they did, and i could be the real pops (talking bout the pecking order here, nothing else) to those serbian uniformed bastards who now i was confronting at the very center of the city which is slavija square. (even though, i deem i am more intelligent, without connections i could never become not even the lowly communal policeman) at that time, today, they were threatening me with some big fines and i told them i am calling the real cops. i proceeded to the middle of the major avenue and stopped the traffic and i could die doing this because i barely avoided some crazy drivers who were poised to get me. i could have gotten killed because i stood on the middle of the major avenue in belgrade due to these serbian bastards. i did that because i felt i did not do anything bad. and still i was followed by the pack of these maddened hyennas. my right was to take a photo. i wanted to attract some attention and by that - the witnesses because they were really talking about the big bucks here in fines - for nothing - there were three of them and i was alone! WAIT THERE WERE FOUR OF THEM BECAUSE THIS POORSHIT YOUNG TICKET ASS CONTROLLER WAS FOLLOWING US AS WELL - JUST CHECKED THE UPPER PHOTO - I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!! NOW IT BOGGLES MY MIND WHY- PERHAPS TO WITNESS FOR THEM WHICH PROVES THEIR INTENTIONS AND THE "SERIOUSNESS". fuck you boris tadic, you bastard!!! fuck you united states! i told them this an't communism no more and i did not want to give them my ID. they started citing more fines they were going to slap me with. they were still there!!! finally they gave up and left because one of them made a call to someone "impohtant". men i was so pissed off i started yelling fuck you serbian motherfuckers. fuck your serbian mother all over the slavija square. and a lot of people saw me and looked with hatred in their eyes. i will never appologize for this, as again i feel tons of pure hatred around this city. bad energy is so empowering that i believe the end of serbia is near somehow, i do not know how, but the country who has so much of such hatred inside of it and bad ignorant people in law enforcement and at power is doomed for the pits

Thursday, September 22, 2011

serbia no more

i have a few friends around me but some of them are hateful police snitches and police was the one who killed prime minister djindjic it turns out, all top managers there knew about the hit. now what happened to me in the bus in the post below seemed well prepared and provoked by those that got me back to serbia in the first place. most likely because of this blog serbian secret service got involved and added a notch of that ole serbian conspiracy. the behavior of that guy was not normal. i guess i was proclaimed rightless in usa and they (who are they? ) are using it to do with me what old greeks were doing with the criminals - dissecting them alive - although i do not have any criminal record. well, fuck them. i was tipped off by the very good friend that the judge and proceedings will be a set up just like they did me in usa - kafka's process style - either the serbian police was ordered that by the united states' fucks or they wanted to play masters of fate on their own turf. it appears they want to send me to prison and fine me although i was the victim without a doubt. but i will fight fire with fire. i hope there won't be serbia as it is no more at one point of time...why? cos i have not done any harm to anybody - and what they are doing to me is priceless.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Dr. Archibald Rudolph Reiss once stated LISTEN UP SERBS, and wrote a book about it; I can only say READ MY LIPS! Under every rock in Belgrade Serbia there crowl the enemies. A friend commented last night: Everyone's being on your ass. How come? Isn't that strange. I'd like to be the first to know why, I answered, and what had made me a trouble magnet. If it is organized picking and bullying - the organizers need logistics and spinners to spin out stories. As far as I know all stories about me were spinned a long time ago. I only suspect: the VJ as immediatelly up[on my return they wanted me to serve the military obligation and after I refused they entered something like MENTAL in my personal military file as I was seen by the military psych who entered the Dg. Following that, I suspect they started spinning rumors. VJ men got back at me since as of then I could not find job, could not start one relationshsip, basically I was fully ostracized from the society unable to do anything but survive. There an't no Serbain welfare for endangered species like me. I lost stamina to compete and basically after so many rebuffs I was done with trying finding a lifetime companion or a full time *even part time, half decent job. Right now, it is all idling like a perpetuum mobile machine, nothing has changed except one thing - the one that happened today. Alas, during eight years of my stay in Serbia - people were always asking me, I guess out of curiousity if I was going to return to the United States of America. I used to say nawh, but now here it is, a black on white - guaranteed. Don't ask me no more. I was taken into the Vracar police station today, cops indeed were nice to me, but they opened up a little police record with the real mug shot, fingerprints and "the works" and charged me with real criminal offence. At one point, DA wanted the cops to hold me more than 48 hours. on that form for entry into USA, Australia, etc there is a question whether you were ever charged with a criminal offence (you cannot lie and if you say yes, it is a no good), well, here it is people, don't ask me no more - read this and be certain I won't be returning to USA in this lifetime. I have no clue why so many people were curious as if they were placing bets whether I would ever go back or not. I sort of felt obliged to report on this. Namely, what happened, to cut the long story short, I came across a maniacal Serb, a hater - bus ticket master - with an eyebrow piercing who freaked out about nothing, cursing yelling and spitting at me 2 cm away from my face, and then I begged him to calm down. I did not recognize that they stopped wearing neon green jackets and for some time thought it was some kind of candid camera. Nevertheless, I had a ticket. It did not mean much to him, he snatched the ticket from my hand got it ruckled and threw it on the floor. The more I begged him to calm down he went more berserk. He pressed on me to the point one interior bus pole gave way or broke behind me. I thought I was going to die. Two passengers joined him ready to lynch me and another one pulled my jumper. Serb passengers made such an unbeliavable noise that my safety sense was caught off guard, I was shaking. All the time I begged them for mercy. I was completely afraid for my life. Finally, I had to make a break in self-defence and push him away but the doctors in the hospital where he went later - while police took me into custody - jazzed up the med report and stated the injuries I caused to him were life threatening which is a complete bullshit. With "such injuries" he ran to driver to get the stick to beat me up while the passengers screamed NO! Don't do it!!! There was no blood!!! No nothing, just one pissed off guy with a menacing look on his face. Serbian doctors and GSP are all in cahoots!!! Perhaps even Serbian judges, who knows what they will come up with at the court hearing, I am not excluding out the life sentence. This is the post communist country, it does not matter what they say about democracy. More of his friends in the same gang came plotting to beat me up but the police came to save my life. Luckily, I have one brave witness whom they were trying to frighten on the spot. But it an't gonna help me, I have been charged with a criminal offence and it goes into the visa appllication records. So, there you go, don't bet on me no more for returning. You stupid people. Kapisch? PS Serbian bus transportation standards are the worst in the world, in some vehicles one feels like driving up the PEruvian mountains with twice more passengers than what boarding limits call for. Often times in rush hour you are standing so unbeliavably close to other people that numerous times you can get erection from numbness and all the jerking and potato driving on the part of the drivers, not to mention the friction against the buddies and private parts of other citizens. I would best describe it as sexual foreplay, no pun intended, and for this experience they charge $.80 be it one station or several - no transferable rides - and ticket men go in packs like hungry wolves trying to collect their tickets. I say I want deliverance!!! Perhaps another thirty years or sooner and I shall find some deliverance. PSS As far as the intellect of ticket masters - anyone, even the bums without an education can join, no questions asked.
I am not expecting any mercy from the Serbs that hate me, but would like to know - what if anything I owe to them - what is inspiring their hatred since I really do not know why Am I the bone in the throat for so many. Out of two options they always pick the one that bothers and provokes the most. I have never seen a darned people like that. Several different accounts of what happened were published in September 14th newspapers and barely a line was true. Only PRESS, KURIR, ALO, PRAVDA & DANAS papers did not fall for these blatant lies, and I would recommend any half decent Serbs (Serbians) not to read BLIC and especially not VECERNJE NOVOSTI and POLITIKA newspapers!!! POLITIKA used to be the best newspaper around here but it criminalized itself through unfortunate shortcoming of their lack of correct and truthful information. This was my first half serious conflict in ten years and if USA through FBI/CIa did not manipulate my life and incited provocations and disturbances I would have been a conflict free person. I mean I begged this guy, this freak, this person to get off me in order not to do what I was forced to, to get him off of me.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Saturday, September 03, 2011

the bottom line

the bottom line, here in serbia: i feel like a jew in modern palestine. even though i got the savvy, i would not be allowed to even suck dick if one asked ex milosevic ministers like mrkonjic and current political line up, etc. thus no gravy and no low you can go here, it is a continuous free fall with no rock bottom in sight

i can be prohibited (yes), slandered (yes), two bob bitted (oh yeah) and WASTED (hell yeah, an't much time left to think about it so scramble and do it now yall motherfuckers, bullet in the head CIA signature style shall do).

i can finally find out who was the angel of death - the retard - that had sentenced me to oblivion and why (nay)

hope god will finally provide me with some leverage to kick some ass

other than that, i look around, belgrade at night, even the two blinds - young man and young woman - had found each other, there were eight couples kissing around me at one spot this evening only!!! about me? after nine years, i can officialy declare my situation - the loser!!! it is a shame mighty united states of america took on the greatest serbian loser of all times. they should have nothing to brag about if they do not want to come down to my level. they should have taken on some serb in better standing and then brag about something. i could only say, that 95% of serbs are in better position than me just having the social life and their freedom while i could only add that whatever happened to me and whoever initiated it, it could had been only a politically motivated thing. half of my expanded family is dead now because of the interim circumstances, i believe even dada vujasinovic was killed because of the same last name. there was only one man in power - that was slobodan milosevic and everyone else was working for him : draskovic, djindjic, seselj, everyone, you name them... they had only put out a make believe theater show for stupid people to see the difference that really was not there/they were all pissing into the same pumpkin/. now, if i had known then like i know now, i would have kissed milosevic's ass wherever he'd go just to be left alone by the serbs (and likewise the americans). period . shiftiness is the quality in serbia as it is in united states of america

trivia: someone told serbs i fear red light from the handheld bar code readers. now, everywhere i go the salesmen are pointing them at me and into my eyes like toy guns to check and satisfy their curiosity if the rumour is true. i do not think these tools are totally harmless, but it is okay if it happens once or twice each week, but it is happening almost everyday everywhere i go - in different stores. i am sure at this frequency i will be blind soon. in addition to that i am sniped from at least one neighbour with a powerfull military class III laser and recently i got eye burns, while entertaining a friend and sitting outside. it is dangerous for me to relax outside the house in the peace and quiet. thanks george bush, thanks mr. ashcroft for packing and sending me to serbia and sentencing me to these unbeliavable things. it was ashcroft's name on the warrant that ruined my family in the first place. thanks much guys. then, for some reason some serbs are playing an okay-sport-game with me, they are all smiles, however, as soon as they turn their backs on me you cannot trust them; after such pretending i overheard a maxi store guy and his manager saying "i should have punched him in the fucking face".....why's that ?!! i think most of these pissed off guys are kosovar serbs and montenegrin serbs from southern serbia. i still have no clue what is behind this behavior and perhaps i should say the unpredecented and unwarranted hatred.

i guess, since i cannot continue having normal life in serbia and there is no other place in the world where i'd "start again" i guess the only way for me is to arrange - a half decent albanian girl (Hala Gorani Rules!!! one like that), since there is no nice way to even begin thinking I will finally meet one 1/2 decent serbian girl EVER and live in peace and quiet! Motherfuckers! They did some nasty spec-ops psych warfare on me before and after exfil. Just want some peace and quiet.

also, i wonder why several low key guys that are engaged in antique and collectibles trade in serbia - like me - are well respected in their neighbourhood, and when i come to see them i also see multiples of people addressing them cordially and politely by name saying hello etc and since i can fully relate to them - i am not politician, i am not ruling masses, i don't steal and otherwise i am not much different than them, perhaps even more successful although i do not have a family now like they do (about the only difference) - i cannot grasp how come serbs hate me like i am albanian (serbs unofficially hate albaians, croats), animal or something, if these were not the doings (aka lies) of some jealous neighbours i wonder - noone ever told me why am i different than many. if these were not the doings of CIA who is pushing serbs against serbs in its secretive ways. noone ever pointed out to me 'this you should change in your behavior in order to earn some respect from the people'. no, noone ever did. however, the difference is - the guys i know do know who addresses them on the street and i do not know why those unknown to me, the masses, hate me. what first comes to mind is the organization, someone had to organize this hatred and then what second comes to mind is CIA, this must be the answer. only they have the logistics and money to play this stupid game with one individual. they were probably sketching it for singling out eastern european spies and it all broke down on me. i suspect it all has to do with united states of america - this bitch country that ruins and spoils everything in life - if i did not go there and if i pledged my allegiance to and sided with slobodan milosevic i would have been 10000 times better off with my intelligence and i would have gotten all of the serbian respect in any possible way whatsoever. i would have been the king. when i see all kinds of human feces, from drunks to college students, that cannot stand me on the street it comes to me to wheep and make slobodan milosevic out of mud. everything i originally thought about who was right and who was wrong was all wrong and one big lie and i am sorry for it.