Friday, May 22, 2020

CIA [ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ] motherfucker in Belgrade Serbia - statement made for DG insurance company

as it went on: 
animals attacking again
Dana 21. maja 2020. godine - oko 13 časova - sedeo sam u svojim kolima na ćošku Ruske ulice i ulice Žanke Stokić na Senjaku i tada sam primetio grupu od četri mladića koja se nonšalantnim hodom približavala ulicom Žanke Stokić. Za moje šesto čulo delovali su problematično kao da traže neku kavgu pa sam sačekao da prođu, nisam mojim izlaskom hteo da dam nikakvog povoda da me odaberu za metu, međutim oni su stali na metar od mog vozila i tu su se nešto domunđavali par minuta. Kad su otišli izašao sam i ja i krenuo Ruskom ulicom, međutim odmah iza ćoška bila je piljarnica gde su ovi momci nešto kupovali. Pretpostavivši da će se vratiti istom putanjom i plašeći se za bezbednost mog vozila požurio sam natrag i seo u kola. Posle kratkog vremena ovi momci su naišli i zastali su opet kod prtljažnika mog vozila. Tada sam čuo da glasno komentarišu, rekli su: vidi CIA ( na držaču moje zadnje tablice zaista piše CIA jer su izgrebana slova DA u nazivu automobila DACIA ) to je američki špijun, mamicu mu jebem rekao sam ti... odjedanput se začuo prasak, nešto je udarilo po mojim kolima u trenutku dok su oni prolazili. Nisam siguran da li su oni znali da sam ja bio unutra pošto su mi stakla pozadi zatamnjena. Bio sam veoma uplašen, njih je bilo četvoro, mislio sam da su oni znali da sam ja bio unutra i da traže kavgu – obračun sa mnom. Ipak sam izašao i pitao ih šta je to bilo, šta hoće i o čemu se radi. Oni su onda počeli da mucaju i da se izvinjavaju, rekli su: jao, nismo hteli izvinite, bilo je slučajno, ispalo nam iz ruke, jedan od njih je pokazao na kovanicu od 10 ili pet dinara koja je stajala pored mojih zadnjih levih vrata. prasak ( i posledićno oštećenje ) su bili takvi da je izuzetna snaga morala biti upotrebljena pri zamahu - bacanju.
one can see that coin in his right hand
Ja sam tada rekao: izvinite moraću da Vas fotografišem jer mi treba dokaz. Pokušao sam da napravim snimak mobilnim telefonom što pre da ne bi pobegli pošto mi se to učinilo kao jedini dokazni materijal koji sam mogao da obezbedim, a u tom trenutku ulicom Ž. Stokić pritrčala je žena koja se predstavila kao njihova nastavnica i oni su tada otišli preteći iz daleka da nisam smeo da ih fotografišem i da ću to platiti. Ubrzo sam locirao tačno mesto na zadnjim vratima koje su oštetili „projektilom“ i rekao sam nastavnici šta je bilo i da su gadjali vozilo da bi ga namerno oštetili. Došla je i druga nastavnica i počela da jauče, da moli i da cvili i da se izvinjava govoreći da su to deca bogatih ljudi koja se u privatnoj školi pripremaju kao maturanti ( jer su verovatno slabi djaci u regularnim školama, tako sam shvatio, pa im je potrebna dodatna nastava). Rekla je: jao moja je greška molim Vas izvinite nisam nikako smela da ih pustim napolje, pogrešila sam, molim Vas oprostite. Ona se predstavila – kao Maša Zečević Mijović iz privatne škole Centar za kreativni razvoj "Slobodno Dete" na adresi Zmaja Ognjenog Vuka 1, i iako mi je srce strašno lupalo od uzbuđenja, gotovo da sam počeo da saosećam sa njom pošto je pokazala visok stepe emotivne odgovornosti i sažaljenja.
Pozvao sam policiju koja je stigla u rekordno kratkom roku i napravila izveštaj. Policajci su bili dosta korektni. Rekli su: ne brini ništa, smiri se, ti si kompletno osiguran, osiguranje sve pokriva. Pomislio sam da je ovo izgleda neki veoma bogat kraj kad je policija tako korektna i prosto ne mogu da shvatim šta me je tu snašlo na mestu koje je u tom momentu za mene izgledalo kao najgori ghetto a verujte gore od ovoga ne može da se zamisli, živeo sam u Americi i posetio sva najgora ghetto mesta u toj zemlji i nije bilo ovako
during 1990s and early 2000s some serbian americans – serbian government men in the USA – openly provoked me by calling me spy – that was my nickname in the serbian community with idea to compromise me in the American environment and with the american government who finally took the bait annulling me from the society. in the same fashion today local serbian BIA men are trying to compromise me in Serbia by attaching CIA – American spy label to me. BIA is the real burden.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


if I did not have camera and fast reflexes (see video above at 00:29 sec) it would be my word against his word and with their connections in the city, for everybody is “freemason” these days, his word would have won. this driver had a child in car and I am sure if it came to contact, I would have been fighting for my life as even with no contact judging by his screaming and gesturing he was almost ready to get out of vehicle and fight right there. this is why in my mind america is 100% freedom and Serbia is 0% freedom, because without a CCL or fighting skills you cannot survive in Serbia, and you must know how to fight really good in order to survive D events like this that undeniably come around. even then, in court proceedings serbian top hat lawyers can transmute a pure and self-evident self-defense into your aggression and then videos may not be valid proof in Serbian courts, for power hierarchy not laws and justice is what rules this land. obviously, I was driving in the third outer lane of slavija square when this guy came out of nowhere from the inside lanes cutting in front me thinking that he had the rite of way. many of my fellow citizens of Serbia are poorly skilled in driving and critiquing them is a dangerous matter for nobody likes to be criticized around here; nobody thinks that learning is an everlasting process. instead they like to prove that bullets and fists are equal substitute for ignorance.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

on being better off with those sunshiny positive vibes

if you want to become a better man, watch CNN, Cuomo and Anderson Cooper, and soak in goodness. and just keep on watching.

Monday, May 11, 2020

taxes taxes taxes

due to serbian taxing policy, serbian fellow buyers can only weep.
no, they cannot rejoice after finding a good deal for their government steps in to heavily smear the joy of purchasing things.
recently i bought an lp record in germany for 27 euros (c. 3300 serbian dinars) and after fedex brought it to my doorstep i had to pay 6 euros ( 660 dinars ) in taxes to serbian government on top of my purchase which really spoiled the experience and taking advantage from awesome German deals. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

fact file on funkish way of wasting time

I wish I was born jewish so I could have lived it up on earth, currently it is the most prosperous nation on the big stage that really thrives. on the other hand, if you were born in the foxhole that has many incurred flaws and no agenda you got your divine sentence whereby you are either going to risk and fight [a fruitless task] to improve the environs for the coming generations (that will tend to degenerate it again) or if you are powerless, you will carry out your sentence in peace. I did try to outsmart the Chief Heavenly Judge by walking over to America but that did not work out very well, so Im back to serving my divine sentence in Serbia [square numero uno] which is a pain in the ass and much, much worse than that; one cannot imagine. living in Serbia is probably one of the worst things that i can imagine for the people, they defy you; when you see what the predominant human kind is like around you, the incoherence, evil in some rude minds and negative vibes, it all sucks the energy away. there is no motivation to do anything. what naturally comes up next is to try just relaxing then in the muddy swamp wasting time when you know you have to work but you cannot rise to cope with it. and finally, who in his right mind would ever want to visit Köln, Romania, Bulgaria, or any other place in the world just for the heck of it. i do not have a bucket list of places like that where the first things met -- empirically speaking -- will be suspicion and rejection as if you were big alien threat and big game player. even the 20th century cosmopolitan America failed me in that sense; still licking those wounds and never recuperated as I should. however, once while still good, in shape, and in Philly, Pennsylvania, I was getting ready to drive to Norristown for the name sounded interesting and someone commented in the lines of: there is nothing new or interesting to see in Norristown, you’ll be wasting time. and that was correct, I had to go over there to find out for myself, at least the air was hot and heavy and no different. same goes for living in Serbia, it is the waste of time. I think I’ve just farted. please pass it along!

Saturday, May 09, 2020

my personal pontius pilate mr Charles honorable m. honeyman – promoted, again ?!

[here is] my personal pontius pilate who handed me back over to fellow serbs to “crucify” me. in other words, the guy that ordered my removal from the States. I had a court date and my wife was working, I had to bring a child over to the court with me – one of the first things this person said, and I do not lie, was something in the line of: you brought "that" – pointing to stroller – thinking it will secure your stay in america?!!! 20 years later i realized why he appeared unprofessionally hostile [nearest to: unfriendly] to me, there were some political IDs / documents in the case file that he probably personally didn’t like and American judges have rights to invoke the discretion. Voila, there were some good and some bad things that came out of that decision. and the prevalence of one or the other should not be of the public concern.  well at least Chucky still has a job which means that GXd is good and Im glad to see that.