Sunday, May 10, 2020

fact file on funkish way of wasting time

I wish I was born jewish so I could have lived it up on earth, currently it is the most prosperous nation on the big stage that really thrives. on the other hand, if you were born in the foxhole that has many incurred flaws and no agenda you got your divine sentence whereby you are either going to risk and fight [a fruitless task] to improve the environs for the coming generations (that will tend to degenerate it again) or if you are powerless, you will carry out your sentence in peace. I did try to outsmart the Chief Heavenly Judge by walking over to America but that did not work out very well, so Im back to serving my divine sentence in Serbia [square numero uno] which is a pain in the ass and much, much worse than that; one cannot imagine. living in Serbia is probably one of the worst things that i can imagine for the people, they defy you; when you see what the predominant human kind is like around you, the incoherence, evil in some rude minds and negative vibes, it all sucks the energy away. there is no motivation to do anything. what naturally comes up next is to try just relaxing then in the muddy swamp wasting time when you know you have to work but you cannot rise to cope with it. and finally, who in his right mind would ever want to visit Köln, Romania, Bulgaria, or any other place in the world just for the heck of it. i do not have a bucket list of places like that where the first things met -- empirically speaking -- will be suspicion and rejection as if you were big alien threat and big game player. even the 20th century cosmopolitan America failed me in that sense; still licking those wounds and never recuperated as I should. however, once while still good, in shape, and in Philly, Pennsylvania, I was getting ready to drive to Norristown for the name sounded interesting and someone commented in the lines of: there is nothing new or interesting to see in Norristown, you’ll be wasting time. and that was correct, I had to go over there to find out for myself, at least the air was hot and heavy and no different. same goes for living in Serbia, it is the waste of time. I think I’ve just farted. please pass it along!


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