Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Today on May 23rd 2012, between 17 and 18 hours I was attacked again by these photographed  hooligans in the public transportation - on downtown bound tramway between the stations of Franše d' Epere' and Karadjordjev Park. Ahead of the attack they came close to me to make harassing noises in order to entertain other passengers and make a fun of me. After I had taken photos of them with cell phone they kicked and jumped me. I almost lost one eye, got many hits and the least my expensive glasses were broken. I warned earlier on this blog about this pattern of provocations and this is the newest attack. I know one thing - Serbian state initiated it a long time ago. If I could ask God for one wish today I am asking Him to entirely annihilate, brutally slaughter - no matter how -  entire families of these two young Serbian men and whoever is associated with them as well as the new President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic who authorized use of aggression on numerous occasions. I want God to kill all their friends too. Let noone be spared. There are also those in America that broke my family that need to be punished. After I see their obituaries I will close this post down. Practically there is not anyone out there who can help me and prevent unknown people from harassing and attacking me in the City of Belgrade. So I plea with God. They all know me and take pleasure in harassing me. They are not only harassing me - they are lynching me both physically and mentally, next to fresh bruises and bumps I have got a new brain damage and eye damage from this attack.
Also, I would like that God punishes all those individuals that promote violence and harassment inclusive of the Masonic and Catholic Knights of Columbus lodges - as clearly somehow these Serbs got to know me, and since I am not a public figure - they had to be instructed by those that have a say in Serbia. Please God ruin them and their lives too.
Why am I mad?
Up to this point I believed in good nature of God and I still do. I do not believe God is evil. However, I believe something terrible happened to God and there is only bigger and smaller evil left in this world. These people don't want to let me live. Americans took my family away, but I found art. Now, I do not think I can appreciate art with incapacitated and damaged brain and without eyes. Thanks be to God, as far as eyes, it hurts much but I was lucky this time. I can still see. Though I walked from the hospital tonight and everything - nearby park, the rain, people, smelled different, smelled like the end .

To prove these attacks are no joke, I am submitting one of the emergency care reports I have received yesterday. Military Academy was the only one on duty, police did not come to make the report.


there were some serbian american masons (or those catholics in secret orders) that spilled the beans as i guess it was supposed to remain a secret why was i brought here. nobody else knew it back in 2003. it is why i am getting beat up and lynched both physically and mentally almost every day by abnormal serbs those that cannot be controlled and there are many of them since after bombardment every third person here is entirely crazy. to put it simply, they are animals. serbs will never admit to it, but they are again toward one another exposing me as being crazy as they cannot explain to the community why those abnormalserbs are attacking me, it is much easier to blame everything on one person than half of the entire nation. it is also why i am writing this blog in english for it would've been pointless writing it in serbian.
i am sure there are many freedom loving people in the rest of the world and i do not even mind if those serb haters are getting a good laugh out of it as well. because they do not know who is crazier - me for wrting this and putting my life on the line (for more serbian revenge, etc) or those that do not have any other business but devastating someone's freedoms and rights. universal justice is the only one i am looking for. i don't need justices with too many blemishes to say the least such as are american or serbian justice systems. 

Out from these very reasons, in my opinion Serbs are the most despicable and ignorant people on this planet. I thought Americans were bad, boy was I wrong? Serbs win this title hands down. As a Serb, I was harassed in America by those with opinion “All Serbs are enemies”, but not to the point that someone wanted to beat me up. It was majorly intense psychological harassment and pressure. With all of the media’ anti-Serb pomp I might say Americans even had a right to do it. Though my family was ruined by the powerful I’d say religious lobby. There were only a couple of such lobbies in America that can change one man’s destiny.
On the other hand, I do not see a reason for Serbs to exert even more pressure on me which is tied with aggression, primitiveness and all negative things one can imagine.
For example, in the past decade I had a chance to visit Croatia and Hungary for a couple of days and not anyone seemed to care about me there let alone to come forth with aggression.


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