Saturday, January 28, 2012

What I believe happened to me

I cannot take it anymore. With a lot of Serbs going after me in various situations I really want to get it off my chest. With this kind of pressure the only thing I can lose is my sanity. I believe at least two agencies: Serbian secret police and CIA planned the assassination of Serbian Prime Minister dr Zoran Djindjic. They needed a real killer’s look alike which they found in me through computer imaging software. Out of blue American part arrested and kept me in three secret locations for 6 months. When the time of assassination came, two secret agents led me to Serbia. The first attempt on Djindjic’s life was not successful. It was on the same day of my arrival. I had no clue what was going on until they finally killed the president few days later and the photo robot of killer emerged in the newspaper. It was somebody that looked like me, a guy with glasses. It was within five days of my arrival. Luckily, I was too scared to come out of the home. I think their plan was to kill me just like they did with Lee Harvey Oswald and then do whatever was in their plan.

Later they did not know what to do with me, and because of their secret files (every secretive administration has) they had to come up with stories instead of leaving me alone. On my part I started writing of my terrible experience herewith. Since 2003 the word got out to the public and “a hot topic” spread through the country like lightning. I do not know what they had been telling and cooking, but I know that everywhere I go I find a multitude of Serb haters of various kinds and nationalities (from Serbs through Jews and Croats to Gypsies). Nothing is easy for me in Serbia and the rest I had described below.

No. 1: ôô man by watching matches of novak djokovic i came to à conclusion that nothing is possible without belief, belief comes in last and foremost, this guy almost gave me heart attack and a stroke ones on 29th of january 2012 œõåí ¼ œïì àëìîñò à ëîñò áàòòëåð. èò œàñ îíå îô òõå áåñò ëåññîíñ èí ìç ëèôå!!! òõàò è õàâå ëåàðíåä èí ìç ëèôåòèìå (posting these two different topics on the same post as both are impohtant to me and i do not want one to lose primacy to another)

how true am i for writing this is reflected in the following:

on the following day of posting, there (downtown) passed by a young female stating: where is your chokie now? [chokie was allegedly CIA's or United Kingdom's agent that orchestrated the murder of the premier in serbia as it could have been read in the newspapers]. following the destruction of my family in america this is adding pressure because obviously someone and who else but the serbian secret service and CIA's spec-op department in Serbia want to get me involved into something i have no clue of. in other words this is like the death sentence. i am living the life of pressure (without any chance of founding a new family) and i cannot wait to get killed to find out, return (helped by the Heavenly forces) and burn and entirely eradicate all those involved into what happened to me (primarily usa and serbia) inclusive of their kissing kin. there won't be any more of them


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