false flags serbia
The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Thomas Jefferson
although i wish p/o cvetic
to set me back financially several years
i am not even the whistle blower here
i just wanted to exercise my right
to a bit of that justice for myself.
that being said, i am sure,
any other hell on Earth or even ebola virus
sound like a lesser evil
in other words, i would rather be exposed to ebola virus
than witness my main human rights taken away
as is the case in serbia with me.
down with the oppressors - it does not matter if there are hundreds of thousands of them
they are the crime against humanity - they are the crime that never minds!!!
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
because "the villainy you teach me I will execute"
So time is up now for the villainy to be executed
I've seen and learned a plenty of it from my masters - serbs
what they had wanted for me by default comes to haunt them back too and soon.
this government's chiseling workhorse could rake in at least five G-s ($ 5000,00) every day by falsely accusing and ripping off people, this math is simple: $750 x 10 drivers like me = $7500,00 minus 10-20%; otherwise, otherwise, it would have been discrimination against me probably based on the rumors he knows or if he was ordered (the government wanted to get me that day, so surveillance which knows my routine, logistics and the executor were scheduled "on my case", operation "you name it") via radio to quickly come to where i was supposed to be with his motorcycle and they can do it very fast too.
as i was trying to find a parking space on ustanicka street next to banca intesa bank. first off, as i was slowing down to screen available parking places i looked back for back traffic and i’ve seen him in a rearview mirrors hesitating whether to approach me or not. when i looked again i still saw him hesitating whether to approach or not as if he was thinking that i was going to speed away – he did not know that i was stopping because i needed to. i proceeded on and rolled onto the pavement just next to a bank when this police officer who behaved like an sob
from the get-go approached and charge me with fleeing a police officer (crazy phony b.s. which now is a real charge designed to hurt) and gave me a whole bunch of traffic tickets which altogether amount to three serbian monthly salaries to pay. i was very peaceful, cooperative and on my best behavior (made video as proof) and thought he was only going to warn me after he had ordered me to cross the street towards his motorcycle, but a perfidious serbian hatred boiled over from this guy. i must say that there is a rumor that i ran into some money which is not true and most serbs hate my guts because of this or that. they cannot wait for a good chance to trip me whenever they can. and also as i took out papers from the glove box inside the car there was a Masonic show & exhibit catalog which fell out together with the traffic papers folder as it was lodged on top of it. i then figured it could have been the reason cvetic went ballistic as many serbs are rabid Masonophobes and haters, even though i am probably as a person far inferior to serbian Masons anyway. in other words, cvetic should had liked me for that, not hate me. i immediately found a quick fix solution regarding this problem as i am now sporting a huge patriot serbian flag and coat of arms as my new car freshener and it is easy to see so hopefully my patriotism is not questioned further. if you look at the face of this guy you do not need to be lombroso to find out that there is a thin line between being a cop and a goon in serbia, he looks more like a butcher to me.
no joke, i felt threatened i had to make a video of this guy and myself which itself is a proof i was not running from him although he promptly threatened that he was going to arrest me if i did try to record anything. i answered, that i needed a clear proof that i was not running away, since i was there and my car was just across the street from his motorcycle whom he did not even drive as he was lying in wait, he clearly wanted to get me or he was ordered to get me since they can easily position themselves per location i was gonna go through as they have such a great logistics plus speed. now, these three guys here are running the show in serbia:
every time something bad happens to me in serbia i think of this man, george w.
for his administration allowed it; it broke my family down, forced me to serbia and exposed me for everyone here to get a violent kick out of me. obama admitted it finally these days saying we tortured some folks! thanks barrack, i did not have a confidence in you as i had in george w but you are the man, your statement provides at least 1% of closure with united states for me.
furthermore, i am showing some real evidence here that everything said was done. and also, these guys running the show are taking billions from UAE sheiks and shit. they live in mansions, have secured their kiss and kin for the next 14 generations and have a privilege of jumping off and on those nice interns and interpreters like utah mormon rabbits. why are not serbs like cvetic mad about them, yeah, they get the paycheck, but why they are mad about me and enjoy in bringing me down? i will have to pay this government racquet no matter what, since this is the damned Serbia, there is no justice. unless you are a “patriot”. these "patriot" and "traitor pariah" makers need false flags in order to mask the truth out there. and i seem to be the regular victim of sort. i am talking serbian patriots like novak djokovic who can shake their ass with might, money, and power and if you are small fry like me, expect the worse from the f*cking serbs. unbelievable, i tell you. plus what their secret service has been doing to me, one could think it is tough luck i have been just ordered onto the walk of shame, hell no. i have been crucified and i have been bleeding real blood. and it is lasting for too fucking long. all these serbs know that their government destroyed my family by producing false evidence to the united states that i was someone else at the very least, i do not know exactly what lies were told – but nobody never came up to me to say we are sorry for what happened to you. you have not seen your child in twelve years and stuff like that. no!!!!!! i feel they are out to get me even more and they enjoy beating and tearing down flesh to smithereens because they want their face saved while their conscience is guilty. motherfuckers!!!! i’ll show you some exhibit of these tickets i got today so you can trust me, if i have to - i will do a lie detector test because this surely works in the country with a majority of atheists where swearing to God and on a Bible does not mean much, but they will not let me because it would have saved my life. Sincerely & Faithfully,
finally, there are 6 wishes i would've asked a golden fish if i pulled out one:
1. cannot tell
2. canno tell
3. cannot tell
4. could tell - obtain a degree at St. John's College in Maryland (even though the reality is - i will never go back to america, never say never, but this is a very firm never)
5. could tell - turn back time and allow me to compete in my favorite sport
6. could tell - allow me to marry Japanese, Swiss, German or American lady.
update on 8th 2014: is there a genetically challenging problem with some of these serb people, a gene that promotes aggression and stupidity, i do not know but i felt some of them looked like as if they were going to lynch me today, obviously one of them was a driver of btl company who wanted to start a fight on his own terms by crazily starring at me as we stood on a red light stop 20 feet away from the point where this rogue cop cvetic exercised his craziness over me, are city of belgrade, and among others, ustanicka street haunted? man, it sucks to be human in serbia.
just took this from facebook and out of context but it is obvious that serbs advocate spitting against the child molesters and murderers and they believe to be spat at is even far worst punishment than deathrow!!!!!! it is the exact same thing my neighbor - politician and public figure mr. voj.milosevic initiated and did to me while many serbs followed by getting onto that train. but wait a minute, did i kill anyone? what did i actually do? i do not feel guilt of conscience for bringing this up but see a lot of parallels and the reason why serbs in power like cvetic maximize their fury when they engage themselves into my life with initial mindset of treating me with contempt.
last minute thought on august 12th: if i had proximity of Robin Williams and knew what he was about i would have tried my best to keep him a bit longer here on Earth. Robin had such a huge positive impact on my well-being. just hope he did not know about me and was not reading this blog that would've applied pressure to his super sensitive nature like mine. just hope he'll never be forgotten, and sparks he left will always revolve in my heart. truly, one of my favorite people and Americans.
i think this country is divided among slobodan milosevic, ratko mladic, and vojislav seselj supporters who believe they are the greatest patriots, and all others who also believe they are patriots on modest terms. i have not asked those that want to pick a fight with me on a daily basis who they support. when they go outside the country serbian reputation is horrendous, but here police officers kill people (there is a long list of their crimes) and serbs willl always support even a crooked cop over me. that's why this fight is useless. the tubiness of p/o cvetic leads me to believe that he belongs to one of the two.
serbian paranoia and malice = black satire.
if one should ask assuming why don't i ask for mercy from serbs
they should recollect what happened to polish and irish soldiers at little big horn when they threw their weapons asking crazy horse for mercy.
they were collectively slaughtered at once.
half savages do not know what mercy is. half savages feel not remorse and bear no grudge whatsoever.
half savages are recognized by their actions.
best language they understand is if one stands up
and fights for his rights. hatred and inflicting emotional pain is all serbian obsession.
it is a thrill inducing behavior for most of them most likely....but to me the effects are monstrous!
as you step in serbia bear in mind for yourself only: you won't tread on me.
and now a little bit of that serbian police officer slavko cvetic's sense of humor taken from his fb account:
he was standing right at this green gate next to bmw as he had some business there (this is a very laid back neighborhood where people do not stand in front of some place if they are not related to it) and i was waiting behind that large silver suv. as i proceeded on i saw him packing a laser in his wallet pouch. wait! wait! i thought to myself. is this real? what did I just see? it was so surreal, I could not believe my eyes that hurt now and I drove on another fifty yards. i was so spooked and agitated i decided to investigate. i drove back to ask a question but he disappeared. he probably fled when he saw me coming. this is the clear proof serbs were ordered to harass while the world is doing nothing - i've been writing here for years. imaging if the entire new york city would do the most unimaginable stuff to one person on the streets. one exposed helpless person everyone knows. it is almost like that because there are more senseless people in serbia than in the state of new york. my eyes burn now not so badly but still this is unbelievable. the statement that serbia and belgrade are the post-communist hell on Earth means nothing. this is more. they are not crazy, they are beyond mean and willing to do harm and perform on their evil. i wish the same evil to folks that exposed me in united states and then serbia. it is always easy to harm a helpless individual, but let me see if this will pass by those that will gouge their eyes out. this situation today was a pure coincidence plus it was a pure convenience for the evildoing serb that i happened to be there, but it also means i will ever come across one or two of those willing to do harm in every street, on every corner in serbia. it is almost like a satanic ritual to these evildoers. they are post communist which borders with satanic, anarchist, quasi-patriotic, reckless and wild. they do evil, i do not see any good growing here.
incident involving laser light no.2; august 19th 2014: around 20:00 hrs, as i was waiting for passengers to cross 'boulevard oslobodjenja' at slavija square, a guy who was waiting first in line in the opposite direction, and whose codriver was a girl - so he was not by himself, it's more than likely if there were two the girl won't keep her mouth shut and she'll brag about it, pointed red laser at me all the time we were waiting. i could not believe my eyes that are hurting now....this is crazy. where do they get these things and why they keep them in the car like pencils?!!!! it is beyond this world. attitude of serbs is beyond being monstrous. it is their hunt after me, i think i am dreaming sometimes, i cannot believe what is happening even though out of fear i do not go out much - so i am missing what has remained of my life being between the four walls, this is worst than prison.... let me stop here cos i feel like vomiting
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