Wednesday, August 21, 2024

I tried to tell my real-life story in a few more than six words… so I did

contacted mr. domagoj m., the author of book “the b. b. of b.”, for he is the man who collects stuff. suddenly life in Serbia became horror. I had no intent to harm the government who btw did everything in its might to isolate me thru its satellites both as the individual as well as the collector. It is like IOUs they owe me now, they definitely do. lo and behold, my cell conversation becomes monitored thru the old surveillance system and a friend from abroad who visited Belgrade noticed that he was being followed around after we had met. In the United States, I was publicly criticizing authorities on a few occasions and not once was i concerned for my safety. around here, in Serbia, next to those who spy on and control - you also got backstabbers whose task is to make your life miserable, one of those walks of life would be public transportation and big wheel drivers, not all of them of course, but a few bastards that are not afraid of bad karma that were instructed by the system to go “git’eem” and get to you … that’s possible for Belgrade on the other end seems to be your big village. small pool indeed. got nothing else to tell ya other than to bring packs…fingers crossed

Sunday, August 04, 2024

I still had some faith left in me …

I have not seen Djokovic play in ages. even tho I had placed bet on the 2024 Wimbledon game I had not seen young Spaniard play before … thus even though I almost always bet on Djokovic, he literally gave me a run for my money as I had to engage in pulling for him given how tight things were in the first set - realizing only then he is 37 years old already and Carlos is peppy. I believe those who energized the planet's atmosphere also participated in the match as the match could have gone either way. Young Gun bought my sympathies when he corrected the umpire’s bad call which only means that he is the real sport besides being a ferocious fighter which in my book goes a long way not to mention that I sympathize with McEnroe who imo gotta be a piece of work when it comes to giving compliments. this gold one was meant for Novak…

Friday, July 19, 2024

making the good men worst … Serbia does


if I were a cynic, I would suggest that the leftist leadership in Serbia was at some point simply hijacked by the pseudo-serbian ultra-radical cabal with a goal to introduce unseen anarchy and division among the population. to them, even though I pointed out a number of times, I symbolize a fall guy that needs to be respawned and targeted whenever the going got tough as it is now with lithium mining agenda with a lot of serbs vouching against it. as a matter of fact, I came from the united states bearing that same reputation. here is a bit of background. growing up in philadelphia, usa, in the antiserbian frenzy of the 1990s, I met a load of serb-unfriendly individuals and I would have been untouched by them if I was not tripped and backstabbed by the betraying “brothers” from the Serbian community. as an alleged serb, which almost meant being a walking target of sort, it took only a small-time rumor to steer up a hurricane. it is not that I was not advised to stay away from the Serbian people in America – I just did not listen and a couple of those serbs that understood best what the good reputation was to someone who believes in the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man was enough to undermine my good reputation without a good cause and I could say out of pure evil and envy for I had found a good path to follow. and they are still on it even though I have been on a long and rewarding self-improving journey. in the meantime, I heard numerous false accusations ranging from murder to theft which now allows Serbian ruling caucus to deal with me as they please even tho there have not been any bases for their actions. a few American friends did care and I had it okay once I was in Serbia but it only lasted until they got old or transformed into the light saying goodbye to this world of darkness and ignorance. for the rest of America, they put a man on the moon but cannot figure out that someone somewhere is hurting due to their bad decisions and the most primitive envy of the incredibly cruel and manipulative peers. presently, the local serbs and the serbian version of “CIA” picked on what those serbs, that allegedly ‘’knew’’ me back in America, told them I was, and one can guess what, it was all baloney that hurts and maims. for example, once when the some said alleged rumor was afloat it appeared to me that some extensive number of random drivers were turning on wipers without need as to signal something and I relayed that notion for opinion to one serb – boban lackovic. all of a sudden, following that conversation, a number of drivers that were trying to signal quadrupled. in the end, realizing that it was immature and stupid thing to do, americans stopped ‘signaling’ and I have not had to squelch any rumors in that regard. fast forward to 2024, serbia, some 27 years later, I got Serbian drivers that are trying to spray me with window washing liquid as they are engaging wipers without need when passing by as Im walking, standing, or driving and definitely not asking for it. it is so easy to connect dots between American serbs like lackovic and serbs in Serbia itching to get a rush from thinking they will get a chance to prove their alpha superiority over another serb. only an important highlight that americans had no intentions of spraying me. but unfortunately I do not believe much in the sanity of the serbian nation especially when they have got the green light to go terrorize someone and not only serbs as the stupidly evil grin on the face of a gypsy guy (in full contrast with the memorable face of Charlie Chaplin who was a gypsy) that engaged the wipers on the gas station at autokomanda square today (belgrade, serbia) while staring at me like a baboon in the wild awaiting my reaction is simply unforgettable … after such events masterminded in serbia by we know who, it is so easy to imagine this gypsy guy, and all these maverick minded serbs doing similar harm, drinking wine from my wine-filled skull … the adrenaline rush they get on seeing me seems so satisfying for them … say Im not all that in Serbia which for me is unfriendly environment filled with a number of people who are not interested in what I have to say and who are excited to see me suffer and fail … truly concerning - as in order to survive, life has to feed on another life (: Paracelsus) ...

Monday, July 08, 2024

character assassinating serbs ...

with passing of my english bullterrier in december last year it feels as if a close family member has left. the real emotional pain just started to kick in. I am thinking posting of his photos on my facebook account could have made some evil people real envy because the way he died, thinking of it now, was anything but natural. about 7 ½ years old he was smart enough not to eat ropes and he never would unless they were laced with some tasty fills. Xray was done without contrast agent and by the time he was opened up sepsis evolved. it crossed my mind these days how john mcaffee felt once his nine dogs died. I can relate. to some people dogs mean more than real people. I guess I could be that club member. other than that, thinking about the place where Im at now, Serbia, the megadeth song title reaches mind, the hell sells but who’s buying. guess - nobody, for podcast anchors and their guests in the know claim Serbia had been already sold out to the world’s riches and probably that is why it will never become the member of the European Union as the riches do not want to be bound by the union laws, they want to have their ways and says, their private sets of exploiting rules that will go like in the mediaeval times. this makes me wonder how long I will last as the serbian society has been allegedly divided into the privileged cast and those disallowed ones where I believe I was casted. this morning, I ran into a character assassinating idiot with all too perceptible looks of the gov’t drug mule who obviously felt privileged enough to come at me as soon as i entered the thriftex vintage clothing store on 27 marta street, #17, in belgrade [all i ever did] by ridding his throat loudly and hawking up phlegm in my direction. he got so into it a loogie flew out of his mouth. I played dead as a snake but prepared a cell [phone] to video record event if the things got out of control. luckily, not much happened. some people assume they are way too tight with the government giving themselves freedom to act against those disparaged by the system, and obviously some nasty rumors are going on about me in that sense. my wet dream would have been to track these heroes down once the tables are turned and tie them to a chair and have several days spent with them drinking coffee and parleying, alas…

Sunday, July 07, 2024

dealing with discomfort is a part of life

guys ... i am so desperate and stricken … need a strong american or european woman kind enough to lift me from this serbian morass and lead me through the rest of my life

i remember the better times when i had it easier before this serbian regime took over. it is not as if I was not marked and targeted before but not even close to this magnitude. as of 2012 it all was coupled with the nastiest rumors, world of trouble, beatings, etc. - the green ‘go ahead’ light could have only come from the tops of serbian leadership. a few weeks ago i listened to jugoslav petrusic, serbian truth seeker, saying one revelatory thing in the line of: if those who lead and rule (possibly deep state) assume you are one of them, nobody is going to touch you no matter what you do - you always get off scot-free out of anything, no dirt marks left in biography, however, on the flip side, if they reckon you are not one of them they will mess up your life big time. I feel messed up completely.

it is challenging to give an example of regional organized stalking for nobody I know has been there. ordinary people cannot relate assuming - based on rumors - what I go thru are just pisstakes and they find it hilarious. tho pisstakes are mainly behind your back verbal assaults but for years I have been subjected to the crowd of nutters and insane fucktards performing nonverbal physical terror. this is one recent instance: yesterday around 20:50 pm, on July 7th, 2024, as I was standing by my vehicle on the sidewalk edge on francuska street in Belgrade a huge white touring bus came up the street and its driver entirely unprovoked did something with the exhaust or braking system that left me choking in a wall of dirt, dust and smoke. in the gloom i could not see but only felt the cloud of smoke and tiny particles spreading around. the driver and his companion in another bus following behind who did the same, could have seen me well under the street lights and I could swear they did it on purpose to get to me as hundreds of other mainly public transportation and truck drivers have been doing throughout Serbia when they came across me. I am pretty sure that there is not a killer, a child molester, a rapist, a mass murderer or any criminal of any sort that does experience the similar punishing torment that Im subjected to in Serbia and the region. so how on earth I was singled out to suffer is beyond me as without someone’s say nothing like this would be possible? once you corner the cat, the things that are done or the cat’s guardian angel may spring back, who knows… Im sure there is some kind of justice hovering over this world completely unknown to these men as they would be afraid if it was. the time does the telling, period. and what do you wish on those who perform these actions? do you wish luck to them and their families? I do not know how possible is to forgive to so many individuals denying your existence and the right to exist and forget their actions. even though it is not their fault they are as guilty as those who masterminded it and gave orders

Thursday, June 27, 2024

no myth …

another way I have been widely discriminated throughout serbia is the service. here is one example of it. I walked to an allegedly albanian owned bakery (nearby kalenic fresh food market) named lulu, a subsidiary of don don concern. a lady waiting in line ahead of me ordered a loaf of rustic bread and then the lady server put on the new glove to grab and pack the bread. as the server was fiddling with brand new glove while trying to put it on - it crossed my mind that she would not do that for me, she would had most likely used an old one. then she took off that new glove to ring up the customer. on my turn I asked for the same kind of bread and lo and behold the same server used not the new glove that she just tried but the shabby and wrinkled old one that, who knows, probably fell on the floor when she had an urge to start a new pair for the previous customer. as my false reputation in Serbia claims that Im prone to incidents, I let the upsetting thoughts go and on my way I started figuring out how to neutralize the threat (or in this case a treat) of bacteria, viruses and pathogens on the bread and then I remembered that BIC lighter would disinfect the crust as people do with needles though it will not completely sterilize it. eating bread in serbia seems like playing a russian roulette with your health if you are walking in my shoes …

Monday, June 24, 2024

assassination attempt ... ... belgrade, serbia, monday, june 24th 2024 [ existence has been my horse in this serbian race ]

in serbia last saturday was a soul saturday so i went to cemetery to pay respect and pray for the reposed. at around 11 am the largest graveyard in belgrade was nearly empty as the temps were climbing to 42 degrees celsius even though enough breeze was blowing that it kept putting out the candles persistently. all of a sudden, a middle-aged lady in blackish clothes and hat appeared and marched on to adjacent highly abandoned grave - one yard away from my family's burial spot. then without any praying, paying a minute of solemn respect, leaving flowers, burning incent, or doing any other related activity that is usual to such memorial events she pulled out a bunch of around 50 candles and a jar and started jamming those candles into it in order to light them. it appeared she was in haste. I felt something was fishy though i could not quite keep an eye on to her as i kept restarting candles. soon thereafter her strikingly large number of candles started burning in the jar and as she said “goodbye” she promptly departed the scene as if her only choir or duty was to light up those candles and leave. as the fire and paraffin wax gave smoke it dawned on me that it could have been something else in the jar besides those candles and I decided to leave abruptly as well but not before I inhaled some of that thing which made me feel stone dead. I cannot forgive myself for not asking her what was the last name of her relatives, I bet she would not know. I assume her only task was to create a make-believe performance as if she was there for the same memorial reason and then light something along with those candles. I wished I had left earlier. later that evening my blood oxygen level was as low as 88% going up to only 91%, a hypoxic state, the readout was same on three different meters and I felt as if my left side of chest was injured and blocked. still do. I even bought some liquid oxygen today to try to improve my situation. however, out of fear of (politically motivated) persecution I did not have guts to go to ER. I cannot wait for the changes in the american mission in serbia, as I never felt more insecure than nowadays. whether i have doubts that the graveyard event was a clear assassination attempt, I would say the chances are 95% in favor of it inclusive of everything I perceived and witnessed although I have no clue who masterminded it, it does not look like the regular serbian secret service was involved, it looks more like the paramilitary or mob kind of affair. the lady was the perfect executioner and a good fit for the role just going by the fact that i could not identify her if need be as i was not paying enough attention before she left. and if the big hype did not go on around me whereby in those 20 years of my stay in serbia I had not met some of the major regional players in the most occult fashion they wanted to present themselves to me apparently only to touch base - I would be feeling paranoid, but logically I assume, on the account of the said, I was sent here in 'trading places' fashion for a reason, most likely as a guinea pig to test the regional as well as the national attitude, bias, actions and nerve only then to mirror back the same towards serbia and the region to be treated in the same way or fashion that I was treated by [personal dog eat dog reflections mainly resulting from the infamous, accursed, everlasting and legendary serbian national schism/divisionism were stated over time in the blog herewith] and hereby I want those senders or the postmaster to know that 'everything' has been taken to another level, but I guess they know it already … the experiment should be over. 

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