Thursday, June 27, 2024

no myth …

another way I have been widely discriminated throughout serbia is the service. here is one example of it. I walked to an allegedly albanian owned bakery (nearby kalenic fresh food market) named lulu, a subsidiary of don don concern. a lady waiting in line ahead of me ordered a loaf of rustic bread and then the lady server put on the new glove to grab and pack the bread. as the server was fiddling with brand new glove while trying to put it on - it crossed my mind that she would not do that for me, she would had most likely used an old one. then she took off that new glove to ring up the customer. on my turn I asked for the same kind of bread and lo and behold the same server used not the new glove that she just tried but the shabby and wrinkled old one that, who knows, probably fell on the floor when she had an urge to start a new pair for the previous customer. as my false reputation in Serbia claims that Im prone to incidents, I let the upsetting thoughts go and on my way I started figuring out how to neutralize the threat (or in this case a treat) of bacteria, viruses and pathogens on the bread and then I remembered that BIC lighter would disinfect the crust as people do with needles though it will not completely sterilize it. eating bread in serbia seems like playing a russian roulette with your health if you are walking in my shoes …


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