Saturday, May 25, 2024


in Serbia there is only one center of power, one deity, one pharaoh and headmaster. the political opposition has no say. up until the 1980 the main Serbian ruler was Croat named Tito who was succeeded by the Montenegrin Milosevic and his clique in the 1990s… people who overthrew Milosevic lasted for eleven years until the Milosevic forces regrouped and stroke back. nowadays for the last twelve years (2012 - 2024) there was the revival of Milosevic coalition and it feels as if they were supervised by the rogue elements of the Croat intelligence of ustasha lineage because whenever I went to Croatia I felt much safer than in Serbia as there was no organized anti-Serbian gang-stalking nor sentiment I experienced there (btw, in other respects far from being friendly - Croatian government illegally denies constitutionally guaranteed citizenship to me - a Serb stemming from Dalmatia) still far better state of affairs yet opposed to what Im going thru in Serbia where they passionately disturb ‘the cat’ with intents of inflicting a serious harm. utterly strange as if Serbia is jam packed with double and triple [acting] agents of all kinds. so whatever unusual happens to someone in Serbia solely comes from the said political center of power incited by the leaders of public acts and public opinion. the guys that do similar things like I do in Serbia have become euro millionaires all having Serbian government backing and connections and by contrast I have been attacked and provoked on the Serbian streets by the unknown people because in this small country and region, the size of one larger American city, people get to know you quickly and they do what they have been told; if they were told to harass, stalk, harm, and provoke they will go ahead and do it. then it is hard to discern who is who, is it the tasked undercover work performed by the operatives or the masses are joining in, riding on the wave of the free-for-all-harassment offering their toadying "assistance" to the authorities. I won’t describe how the harassment unveils as whatever I had stated herewith naming the things that bother me was reused over and over again to further spoil my life by the multitude unknown-to-me while I have been very much known to them all the time. in other words, the goal is to escalate tensions with me and not to pacify anything. I am now positive that the 2018 attack when I received numerous hits with a metal stick all over my head and body by the government employee M.M. was premediated and even though with the existing camera videos the victim - that I was - came to be painted as the perpetrator in the court setting especially having in mind that M.M. has been represented by B.B., Serbian devil's advocate and associate of allegedly the highest ranking informer - Vuk Draskovic. I assume they have been attacking me because they know I fled Serbia as a defector during Milosevic times, feeling I am not in their camp, and everything the government here brought up about me in the recent years was one big fat constructed lie which unfortunately passes around as truth... in addition, as I walk through the streets of Belgrade I see many foreigners from Chinese to Russians and other Europeans rolling me up and behaving as they are encountering a wild animal. it is in their actions. similar to what the serbs do. not all are acting up, naturally, but some do, enough to make you concerned for your life again. and not to mention drunken and crazy Serbs of all kinds coming at you while the commotion downtown was even greater with drunk and ominous looking Rammstein concert goers occupying Serbia for the last several days – even though I briefly appeared just twice in the center city Belgrade coming out from hiding (talking about self-induced isolation and deep cover in order to escape terror of the unknown Serbs on the Serbian streets) as my appearance went sideways, the single walk through the supercrowded area bubbling with neg energy has been way too much to handle …


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