Friday, February 23, 2024

strangest things happening in serbia

stinking to high heaven

this morning around 4:35 [belgrade, serbia, 2/23/24] when I was taking a leak I looked throughout window and saw a young woman carrying an inflated balloon but she was not just a regular walker-by, instead everything about her screamed a pretender to me … do not forget I woke up less than a minute before that … just the way she walked the street in wee hours -- as the real deal walkers go at much quicker paces to reach homes at that time of night they do not pose in front of my window -- i could tell it was a see through act for me to consume as she could have just passed if she was not acting at all ... immediately connected balloon detail to a small time event from few days ago when the guy carried a load of balloons and wanted to be so close to my vehicle that he hit my windshield with them on purpose [as i drove by] which now i also believe was intentionally made act ... I will try to find that car video and post it here … i cannot connect these acts and significance of balloons to anything in my life but Im pretty sure they are organized by the agencies of the state and that the inside of my house has been monitored both by video and audio devices as in order for me to be at window when im taking a piss someone has to coordinate the act [apparently the agent of sort] to pass by in real time which is a very short time frame window lasting only few seconds. but her bad acting this morning rang a bell for sure. this also connected me to events from few years ago when serbian population was ordered and I am talking thousands of serbs to drink in front of me as they were probably told that they will witness some sort of event when I will start shaking before them, and in turn some were shaking before me because of the guy upstairs who is for real. I wrote about it and thus only provoked more people to perform their acts which continues to be the situation even nowadays. I even called for no blinks stare-out in Conan o Brien fashion while drinking before each other but no potential winners came upfront. talking about why I do not take food in Serbian restaurants or caffes because I do not know who is who and what do they feel about me, but apparently if they can find ways to get inside home they can get you no matter what for example in hospital with a jab or medicines or lacing up anything at home. so this serbian behavior stinks to high heavens and this comes soon following the court ordered psychiatric forensic evaluation asked for by the serbian famous lawyer who is representing the opposing side in the case which involves self-defense after I was attacked by one politician apparently favored by the Serbian state. I felt the psychiatrists were favoring the other side especially when I was asked what I was doing in the united states without ever asking me anything related or relevant to the actual case for which I was evaluated for in the first place, so they kept beating around the bush in that regard. when I replied that I was translating for the united states' government [involving forensics work too] the very next day I felt that the target was painted on my forehead throughout Serbia, as if the same number of gang-stalkers [that kept drinking a make believe drink in front of me] was chanting: traitor, traitor, spy, spy, spy, we should kill the motherfuccer, find ways … just the fact that I lived in the states performing an innocent work call for my assassination in Serbia, apparently and not just apparently, but there is no way this was not orchestrated by the government at this level. and the current pressure in that regard goes on as of then on which to me translates as the personal vendetta from this mouthpiece [who is a huge government player and politician as well] for mentioning him by initials in this blog, I feel a lot of serbs [of course unknown to me] want me dead. right now, I am also concerned about the logistics and coordination of the serbian goverment as someone is obviously performing full scale surveillance on me which claims zero real freedom. and these are true concerns for the global freedom and society as well for we influence one another all across the globe. this also comes connected to induced rumors among the serbian population in the states as I could not believe my ears when the guy I knew in america was telling me I was doing there as I met him again downtown Belgrade. for the crimes he told me I had commit in the states I should have gotten five life sentences without parole and he was dead serious. now serbs are free to remodel, pack and stock up my bio as I have no protection whatsoever and I even believe American embassy turns the blind eye to everything that goes on here even though Im pretty sure they are legally bound to preserve peace in my case because they forced me to come here, even though they knew serbs intentionally mixed me up with someone accused of genocide in order to ruin my life in exile [find some small fish to fry and make an example out of him], not sure about the current administration which is probably the worst one for me allowing all this to happen. I even assume who may be the real serbian player kind of making his parchesi moves behind the curtains, but Im pretty sure he would have been so easily offended and prown to misery if named, it is not the one you think about [in other words it is not the serbian president]


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