what are they doing … …
one of my biggest mistakes in life was joining s.p.o. anti-communist political movement in serbia which practically meant signing yourself up to be on the kill-list as almost everyone I knew that used to be a member was also a goner at some point starting from actor danilo lazovic to the friend’s father who was poisoned at his workplace. I even had a hitman – little did I know – a Montenegrin who was allegedly sent by s.p.o. [serbian renewal movement] to share apartment with me in the united states and luckily, I had a Greek girlfriend which saved me from almost certain disaster as I would have been a toast as well. once marked and recognized as ‘the ideological enemy of the system’ Im still a big time target in Serbia as [as of recently] I got put on the government watch list again – “stavljen na mere” – as they call it in Serbia most likely due to the fact that I have recently declared to the court appointed psychologist that I had worked for the American government [left unsaid it was for immigration] as a translator and that the portion of my retirement will be coming from that work … so them probably thinking those were the military assignments, now every freaking conversation I have to listen to that doubled voicing from a capacitive discharge which happens when someone connects two conductors to form a phone tap while conducting surveillance. in addition to that, suspicious individuals seem to always be “bumping into me” in public as if the surveillance is ongoing 24 – 7. and in addition to that, there are so many illegal things going on in Serbia nowadays, and naturally for making an example out of someone they [the rulers] won’t be going after their own men, but they need a scapegoat from the pool of those expendables they had written off long ago so they are probably hoping they will catch me with pants down while eavesdropping, or else. let alone the fact that the mouthpiece who has been a highly positioned member in the above-mentioned communist potemkin village and the alleged fake ass antisocialist alliance – s.p.o. – is colliding with me in the legal case that started after I was beaten up with a metal stick utilized by then unknown person [uknown to me] who was motivated by irrational rage on a real power trip determined to wreak havoc to the 'pussy' presumably for thinking he was the boss, all that and a bag of chips, for having been assigned some kind of political function with a city council. as the attacker is also a food inspector [a vet], I was declined neurological examination at the Military Medical Academy [VMA in Serbian] in 2018 where I was sent by the general practitioner and that bully posing as the serbian Military Medical Academy neurologist ordered me to leave hospital off the cuff which happened several days after the said attack; it only means that some serbs function within limits of the serbian old boy network saving each other’s asses and further promoting separatism and violence easily ignoring the fact of the brothers in arms that once had the same political interests, or not?! thus without ifs, ands or buts, i feel betrayed and a valid emotion tells me something is wrong, or at least jinxed, and needs to be fixed. that said, as the last-ditch hope, only one divine intervention and one paranormal experience witnessed by the pharaohs may turn the tables and do me some justice ... most likely the same guys are currently placing rumors to put people off from dealing with me and they are successful at that, as of today [3/3/24] one lovely person i had no problems with before, started avoiding me all of a sudden … if it would only remain at that, undesirable status quo would be still okay with me, if they do not go for the kill ... Im in fear of the serbian IQs Im suspecting are here on the pitch.
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