Wednesday, December 28, 2022

fake serbs ganging up

i envy british, albanian, croatian, and israeli fellowship [unparalleled unity]. these nations stand for their countrymen no matter what and how deviant you are. their mutual bond is so strong even if you want to deviate, you will not be left behind and forgotten. not so much American fellowship though, as i was the biggest american of them all, still left behind, fell out and finished last.

furthermore, it is impossible in countries like croatia for a serb, romani or any other nationality to pretend to be a radical croat inciting croats against other croats as it is happening in Serbia at least to me. in Croatia it is impossible for a non-Croatian native to obtain a citizenship (Im talking about land repatriation to indigenous individuals like myself) while in Serbia any citizen, any shack rat from any country in the world, from Bangladesh to Pakistan, can easily obtain a citizenship without much hassle. it feels as if Serbia is welcoming foreigners and disturbing loyal citizens like me denying basic human rights. these are the post-communist Serbia true colors … following the WWII, entire Serbian capitalist DNA bank was mass murdered by the commies, while the top-ranked victors were hopping on the wives and daughters of ideological enemies like a bunch of rabid rabbits so no much normal non-ideological, non-radical, non-revolutionary consciousness was left around. the fact that a great percentage of Mongols have some Kublai Kahn blood running thru their veins comes to mind as K.K. impregnated thousands of Mongol females. perhaps that is why a number of Mongols look alike. in present day Serbia, it is a dog-eat-dog world instigated by pseudo-serbian patriots of all different backgrounds. these guys pretending to be fanatical serbian patriots do not have serbian national backgrounds but at best they are the evil souls or at worst – the awakened cell agents of foreign nations. it feels like they own you, as if they expect from you to cede everything starting with dignity ... other than that, i would take any passport other than serbian-cuban-soviet union-north korean-chinese … i do not wanna die a (post) communist in the post communist country cherishing still a communist tradition and a cult of personality, believe it or not, our dear leader tito is still guarded by military deathwatch!!!!! and our sport clubs still bear ideological Marxist names … the proof that the communist party is not a relic, it is alive and invincible yet invisible with the strongest partisanship in the world



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