Monday, November 21, 2022

just know that f.m.p.o.v. who ever says that they feel safe in serbia they are either lying or not normal

If you would like to use this material in scientific research esp. regarding human rights violations you are welcome to contact me as the source

to understand what i have been through you must discover what the following serbian saying means:

povika na vuka a lisice meso jedu ...

serbia indeed has been the prison without walls ...

with many prisoners walking around behaving as the real inmates,

judging and executing the prison common law ... one minute there is a calm and you never know what is going to happen next ... and who is going to accuse you and apply their private laws over your innocence ...

the problem is that a number of individuals feel protected through business liasions, family relations and friendships with the state's post-marxist apparatus and thus feel free to cause damage with impunity

another thing to consider is the newly formed serbian patriotism based on marxist tradition.

In 2003, I came to this country serbia from the United States bringing zero social value.

In 2012, when serbian radicals, whose rule, some say, is based on distraction and creating distractions, came to power, people on streets started openly terrorizing me – that you can figure if you read my blog posts from the period – I guess the goal was to make my existence one of distractions in serbian political and everyday life so i can be spent and used without pay … agencies in charge of creating havoc are of course politically led and allegedly a number of major politicians have been troyan horses, fake patriots, mainly non-Serbs cloaked and posing as serb nationalists thus driving the masses wild and advocating violence … later on when they grabbed the complete power this was not even important, now the money rules but agenda and my role have remained the same - my social value has not improved … Im completely powerless in Serbia, I would rather be ignored, but they do not want to leave me alone even though now they are into the real money allegedly richer than any existing American ever was …

their agencies started spreading rumors firstly that I was a petty thief so angry people started jumping and harassing me on the streets, this behavior of serbian public was criminally insane … this is how a serbian politican, M.M., an attacker who attacked me with a metal stick is now posing as victim in the case where he is represented by the serbian devil’s advocate B.B. trying to fabricate facts completely into attacker’s favor. on my part, I wish them nothing but the worst, and hoping that divine’s revenge will not be a bit merciful for the lasting pain they caused me. if there was no bad rap about me, I am pretty sure I would not have been marked as the easy target and attacked. they even tricked the American government into ruining my family by mixing my name with that of some terrorist so they did not think twice to sacrifice one of their citizens inventing war crimes and mix matching names of war criminals they were trying to protect with mine in order to ruin my family and life ... i think the neo-marxist outlook on the world is they are trying to point that tito and che gevara are more important and cooler than the likes of George Washington and JFK …

it all boils down to the fact that I have been harassed on the serbian streets on daily basis by the unknown serbian men and women and this has been going on for 19 years, from my point of view these serbs are motivated by pure unhuman hatred driven by their politicians. that is why I say, if you are posing as good and behaving as evil your destiny will be nonnegotiably sealed …

my current social value is highly debatable. i am light years away from opening art gallery in belgrade and earning any respect even though i have been working in the art mine 24 7 for over thirty years … many locals look at me like Im their personal slave, my freedoms that hit the rock bottom 20 years ago are currently reaching all time low what is below the rock bottom; american mission in belgrade agrees. when you come across a hotheaded angry serb it is like a close encounter with a black death, an african buffalo, the person can be so unpredictable that your life is on the line right then and there ... it is a great misfortune … serbia is killing energy and entrepreneuring spirit. you become drained and when you hit wasps' nest the usual response is to discredit your credibility and attribute all sorts of things to your being. and how they make people angry is by spreading rumors : - americans pay him to do it …  I say do what mofos … I did not start anything first around here, I was victimized from the getgo 


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