new roles order / just got ticked off (allegedly testing a free speech)
belgrade [serbia] june 26th 2022: this land is so small, if they do a recon and know what you recently bought and have in fridge, they can go to factory to custom make the same, let's say a Coke sparked with the cancer-causing dirt and then do a diversion in the heat of the night and swap it. yesterday I opened a can of Coke and took several sips, about two fingers of Coke, in the dark until I figured out that it was fizzing like crazy as if it was spiked with something. I took a video lasting over five minutes, a Coke in the glass did not stop bubbling like the stuff in it was boiling. these several sips gave me an immediate diarrhea and my throat has been hurting as if I drank acid. what if I had the entire can? If this was what numerous Serbian countrymen have been trying to alert me to by raising drinks and drinking whenever in front of me, I cannot thank them enough, but if that is the sign of something else, I challenge anyone as Im ready to do a simultaneous staring and drinking contest right away … it is all in Lord’s hands, Im pretty sure I would be the winner in the end … and whoever turns out to be the chicken - his sight, body or hands will shake and tremble. if I do not drink in Serbian restaurants, it is because I do not trust my countrymen. I do not even know who are the people that are harassing me in public, for all I know these unknown men could be the owners or the workers in these joints. whenever I drink as a guest that means that I have a complete trust in the owner or worker otherwise I let it go because Im pretty sure a large number does not think the very best of me, so I do not want to be the scapegoat for nothing.
today I witnessed two events whose directors must be the heads of serbian clandestine agencies dealing with potential enemies of the Serbian regime. in the first one, as I was making a left turn on Bulevar Despota Stefana (in Belgrade) an individual, probably an undercover cop, stood on the sidewalk pretending to shuffle an invisible deck of cards in his empty hands. the message was obviously a gambler or gambling. since I do not gamble, as I do not trust my countrymen; I only occasionally make small time tennis bets with registered bookies; I think this act is connected with the following message that was perpetrated half an hour later -- as I was exiting maxi supermarket parking lot on autokomanda square in Belgrade I passed by a car with Montenegrin plates whose driver was acting as if he was shot dead in his driver’s seat. the position of his body was quite indicative. I think one can get the idea and that is the imminent murder presented to the public as connected with gambling activities. I repeat I never gambled in Serbia nor I would ever gamble with any inhabitant of Serbia or this region.
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