Friday, January 10, 2020

electronic harassment and individual targeting - gang stalking in serbia

next to ongoing Noise Campaign throughout the city of brotherly hate - in which unknown serbian citizens are performing harassment and targeting by purposely and unnecessarily banging various stuff to produce loud noises - i am also feeling the effects of electronic harassment right now – 1/10/20; 21 hrs - as there is a highly disturbing sound induced into my brain from a distance. it is definitely affecting and freaking me out in the same way a loud personal alarm would do – you can feel it inside your head and it is not loud at all [ it is not tinnitus] but the disturbing effects are the same if not greater. I looked through the window and out of many there is a highly interesting white bright light pointed into my home from the skyscraper nearby - at #139 – #141 vojvode stepe boulevard, belgrade, Serbia - where many government military counterintelligence agents live – I know this for a fact as the entire building was built for the military personnel and counterintelligence chief lives there as well. it may even be that Im not under active surveillance and that keeping me uncomfortable was not authorized by the higher echelons of the serbian government but some of them are perhaps acting independently abusing the high-tech government equipment. 

this is insane as when I move away from my computer room the effects are lesser although the frequencies or highly pitched sounds are still buzzing in my head making me stressed out beyond belief. i tried putting on a pair of Protector EH10 headband earmuffs to no avail. the way to describe it is - unbearable.


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