The Genetics of Novak Djokovic and the Serbian God of Hatred
they think they are on top as the sinless - the chosen ones. this is why i am sure that many people in serbia are not gentle by nature and that their god that leads them is false god, not the God of Christian and brotherly love but the antichrist who favors oppression, anarchy and communism.
people living in serbia have been getting my sorry ass by the balls for so long and what goes on? they behave as if they are natural born aggressors, their aggression never stops. so many of them against one person! is it called the cowardly acts?! they behave as if i was not the innocent victim of their crimes against individual human rights but some culprit convicted of horrendous crimes who needs to suffer on daily basis, a multiple killer at least. bloody damn merciless people comparable to ISIS. these are the terrible people who do not allow you to heal your wounds. same old goes on every day, even though i keep posting: please, please let go of me. in response there is no remorse, no mercy whatsoever from the same people that were into this harassment since 2003. that is some serious monstrosity and for me this place is fucking hell mate - where you can easily feel that you are going mental - it is not a problem at all! if God does not strike them with furious anger and serious vengeance the things will never change here. that is why I believe there is no way Novak Djokovic is not an Angel. no freaking way!!!! the guy let Murray win British Open in 2013. Djokovic is a humane person. an't no issue - without a doubt Novak threw it. i know because i cried even though i lost some good money with the bookies then. he is the paragon of virtue, gentleness, angelic quality, there is no way his genetics is the same ISIS-like genetics as in the guys oppressing me. this i can smell. and i am sure he is not pretending. his very noble existence is messing up my present reality, he should have been italian or cypriot or french, he stands out much from where am i at - where it is so low i cannot see nothing. where there is hardly anybody to sincerely accept you; where the madness has achieved its acme. the problem is serbs adore even criminals if they have piles of money even those who dealt drugs but are so easy to oppress those aegis-less john does - who stand out from the crowd - who did nothing to them like me. that is a huge problem for me and my understanding of personal freedoms and human rights. it devastates me. I do not know how but the guy [Nole Djokovic] seems to be helping me to believe there is a much better world (way too) out there where freedom can be felt in the air. he is that [s]tool that raises you so you can get a glimpse of the horizon. just his existence, doing nothing and so far away, alleviates the doomed existence. Nobel Prize. Pls.
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