in light of the newly created atmosphere of violence in the Serbian society
I have no trust in the serbian
leadership, which is probably why, out of retaliation, I am widely known in Serbia,
a country of five million people out of which the majority populates the
capital Belgrade.
thus I'm coming across many
government agents doing pantomime performances, trying to imply something. this
evening a guy in the maxi store on Autokomanda Square followed me around whistling.
thenceforth I went to lidl store at
trosarina, banjica. there i bought two large cans of south american skipjack tuna
among other things.
few years ago, lidl clerks were
very forthcoming though lately they have been acting unfriendly even if you asked them simple things like to promptly exchange an item for another
of the same kind which I did after spotting some cut marking on the aluminum
easy open foil of one can.
large package of tuna is a pretty
expensive item so I did not want to take any chances with it being defective and
perhaps spoiled.
after asking cashier to exchange that
item for another one, she became excited and agitated as if I was taking some personal advantage out
of her. at that point, i already paid for the items and got my receipt. so far LIDL's policy was you could even return unwanted stuff.
then I went back into the shopping
area, left the can i did not want and got another one. however, when i got back to my shopping cart that was past the point of cash register I surprisingly realized the tuna can had a catch FAO area that was different
from the one printed on the first two packages.
thus I had to ask cashier to exchange the item
one more time which freaked her out and she demanded the package and a receipt
to be given to her which I did.
I paid no attention to fuss and
tried to move back into the shopping area one more time but was prevented by
the buyer, the small bearded guy in the line behind me, who started super forcefully
rubbing and wiggling his little big ass (not a tiny ass) against my crotch as I was trying to move past him ... all the while he was basically violently butt-budging me against the steel safety barrier that serves as the division point between the two cash register lines. his action was crushing my balls. at that
point I thought it was happening because he had no space to move forward due to the position of his cart, but later on when the butt-scratching experience
started to hurt, I reassessed the situation and concluded that to my mind he did it
on purpose because he was fired up by the LIDL cashier and the pugnacious
atmosphere she created even though his female companion and a lot of shoppers were around.
when a dog bites you, it is not the dog's fault, it is the owner you go after. imo, LIDL CEO is responsible for this crazy serbian mess. last minute notice, december 18th 2024: it has been hours since i have been violated and i still feel pain in my crotch area induced at this Serbian LIDL store. as it was doomed in the night of the full moon ...
in recent years, many provincial Serbs
moved into the capital with their redneck attitudes respecting only the rule of
that being said, Im very unpopular
in Serbia with a target painted all over my face wherewith all Serbian mavericks were
invited to try their luck with me while in doing so the government protection has been
I asked a friend what he would had done
in my place if somebody was violently rubbing / ass-checking his crotch in public in the
same fashion and his answer was - it would
not have ended nicely. but, knowing me well, he practically reconstructed the incident and my stupefied self into the smallest detail as if
he was there without even me ending telling. it amused me finding out how naïve, simpleton, and transparent I came out in his sincere narrative.
on one end, there is the system with
its unpaid scapeGOAT and capital village idiot enabling a free fun for all with
me always drawing the shortest straw as when the local mavericks engage they will be defended by
the ultimate rough wheeler-deeler-like devil’s advocates, same as the one that
resides at djure jaksica street and who is capable of directing the Serbian masses
as well as their portions, the nasty ass-checking individuals in the same fashion as the rough and extremely
nasty Serbian government can and allegedly does do.