Monday, August 01, 2022

appeal to the united states government agencies

to check what the hell is going on in serbia and why some serbs do not want to leave me alone (aggressive pressure has been in them for 20 years - escalating right now - and all kinds of damages on my part have been aggregating), I doubt they mistakenly had identified me with someone else but are eagerly trying to design and project some new faults to justify their wrongdoings from the get-go; however, you can certainly press on the serbian government to stop this sudden onset of renewed persecution or else … I am pretty sure the current American ambassador in Serbia is competent enough to stop it or else ... 

the unconvincted felons that ruined my family and life with their lies to the U.S. authorities inclusive of the american citizens of serbian decent in pennsylvania and new jersey who participated in that "operation", cannot be bossing any situation esp. publicly victimizing their victim so i must call for help from overseas in this fashion

the examples of public harassment in serbia will be video-recorded and posted herewith when available ...


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