Monday, January 04, 2021

being patsied by the gov.

gulag central, serbia

i think it is getting incipient the system here is pretty much utilizing the CYA or SYOA acros.! by smoke screening, implicating and duping patsies [esp. those hated that cannot strike back.] this here is written for i do not wanna be a sucker for the ignorantly vile.

one thing is certain, they do have file on you and in that file it says what in their opinion can trip you off, but their attempts seem to be badly miscalculated. in the past they would just kill you off directly, now as they are monitored they are just plain lying trying to instigate other people to kill you. they are setting you up for murder. the real question is whether they will be held responsible for their doings? i lost some American friends that could have straightened the things out here, but we'll see about it. the court date is coming as well as the  judgement


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