Monday, December 14, 2020

fuck the asshole (donkey) while his legs are stuck in the mud! Serbia, December 2020

the black wave, death projections, rumor spreading and evil evoking are also coming from some people that M.M., Serbian elite’s favorite investigative journalist, is bringing into his morning television show. about two weeks ago I tuned in for a minute and had to switch the channels rapidly for the massive death wave, this was nothing but the occult black mass, literally came off their round table and poured over into my room. I am not joking - one should carry a flask of holy water just in case of coming across his show while switching channels or before him in person on the street. the devil is in the details they are inventing and projecting. in my perception, entire Serbia could probably be the size of northeast and west Philadelphia plus the Lancaster Co., but it is amazing what amount of vicious hatred some of its people bear on such a small area of land in comparison to the entire United States of America.

a known close colleague of M.M. – a distant relative of mine - was unexplainably murdered about twenty years ago and somehow, I feel that M.M. is bearing animosity towards me for just sharing the same last name. when you are around him you can just feel that animosity.

a number of those that are invited into his show are the remnants of old regime that now lead this country again. a number of these guests hates me too for some unexplained reason. and i am not saying taking more crap from bullies, they took it to another level. crooked, extremely jealous, and dangerous guys, wheeler dealers and wannabe masters of life and death in Serbia all. they are: politicians, military figures, political and military analysts, high ranking intelligence officers, figures of organized crime, attorneys, ex-criminals, publicly known and unknown village idiots and clowns of all sorts, or the guys whose interests directly oppose mine in art and books collecting, like his favorite guest V.L. . with them Serbia is pretty much divided onto: NAŠI (our people) and all others, the enemies that should be dealt with.

luckily, I get back into reality when I tune into Balkan info show on YouTube starring criminals and tough guys that are much more honest than M.M.’s guests where you can fact check the Serbian reality, present and past. without it, you can end up being labeled (and slandered) as a notorious criminal by M.M. and his guests and then live with it facing irreparable consequences until the end of your life (the lasting of which M.M. cohorts would not mind determining for you which is another true concern) for being involved into something you do not have anything to do with. I am known in Serbia (came like that from the States with hostile aura that followed me) that is my only guilt, like I had stated before. like today, a guy driving by my vehicle, his arm started shaking as he wanted to provoke me by doing something with his cigarette - pour soul did not know that it were his karma, and I hope these guys do not have kids as karma is transferable and I do not want to bear consequences for their children, they are putting me in high risk on every step in this portion of the world as whatever happens to them or their closest ones because of their actions involves their targeting victim as well.   

summary: I am just saying the projections of M.M. and his guests are extremely dangerous and that him and his keepers should bear the consequences once. I feel that they feel that the United States is protecting me somehow from the Serbian general malevolence and now they sensed that America is in the problem and on its knees and they are now utilizing the old Serbian saying that says: fuck the asshole (donkey) while his legs are stuck in the mud!



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