Wednesday, December 02, 2020

nothing new in serbia, just more targeting and "mind reading"

they are hoping i will lock and latch myself onto anything they throw at me.
that is the whiff. pity, not a single man from the seventh cavalry at LBH was resurrected with me in this sorry place.  

if you only try thinking bad (only thinking acting as a critic that perhaps this government is undermining democratic and constitutional norms, that is just thinking you perhaps found a probable fault without saying anything publicly) of this serbian government / regime they will 'read your mind' and come back at you with a lot of energy, determination, and noise to terrorize / lynch with such furor that science fiction will be science fiction with respect to what they will come up with. forget bokassa, idi ami, stalin, hitler, tito, sadam, fidel, al kapone, all of the cosa nostra, russians and italians combined, they are loving babies for these guys. you know i never kid with such things.


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