Saturday, December 12, 2020

forgive brothers, forget me not

You have got to understand me. I m trying to be nice here. I do not believe there is a country in the world where you will get a parking ticket in the amount of ca. U$25.00 dollars for parking before 14:00 hrs on a regular Saturday afternoon in the suburbs of its capital. And I have to stop right there for I am afraid. I m afraid for my life if you know what I mean and a number of you will know that I had softly criticized America without fear back in 1995 when I lived in the East Falls, PA; and that goes without fear that the FBI was going to accuse me for Hoffa disappearance out of revenge for pure criticism of system’s bad management. Those were the happy days. These guys here, they will discredit and keep in check by placing their victims in the various mind-boggling conspiracy theories while their voice is the only one heard and while your heart is the only one that is going to be shot, in the end; for the burden of lies and unstoppable persecution are taking their toll on your beater. And all that Im saying is they bought numerous smart eye parking sensory equipped vehicles in the country where people cannot make both ends meet. And no, I am not kidding, the situation is that serious and here is the proof, please look at the photo below, the ticket, the proof if you are in disbelief. And lemme just say that here in Serbia this ticket [parking penalty] amounts to fifteen times the regular salary of, let’s say, supermarket cashier but if you make a fuss about it and the government accuses you for disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa you will pay dearly, with your life. I hope my American friends do not buy that baloney. So, there you go, pick you choices. Do you wanna be skinned alive, mutilated or blown up to pieces. If you cannot make your own picks Serbian President in power will help you out. This _ _  will help you understand why the things are happening to you. Come to Serbia if you want a staged a suicide by the government. Come, come, here please. Take your wild guess in which paradise I am at. It is def not the same country where I was born or the one I learned about in the history books. This is the end. And make no mistake I am afraid, and I was never afraid like this in the US no matter what my thoughts were about the system. And I deeply regret for ever making a wrong thoughts selection while in the United States about the United States.  Forgive me brothers, forget me not. For this, I do not want to say e.v.i.L. is unparalleled.

please note: unlike many oppressive systems, instead of keeping quiet, this system here spreads false and devastating propaganda, as if trying to further suppress and persecute the opponent and defend itself, and i witness that many foreign people are falling for it. i do not need to understand that, if you are an evident stooge - why is it a concern? i am not trying to move to the position. oh, a remorseless feeling of guilt! just a wild guess.



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