Monday, November 09, 2020

they prefer foreigners to brothermen

imagine - you are a down on your luck bum in some american ghetto and you do not stand a chance of doing well. well, with a little bit of money, new identity and support, just like in trading places, you can become a new serbian hero, new serbian TITO, or in other words - a new leader out here. your life can turn around into a sweet dream; being a person of color, it does not matter. serbian ways are very good for you, as they will accept and be very interested in you even if deep down you highly despise this nation which had proven to be an ultimate advantage [that secret ingredient] with some foreigners that became leaders in the serbian past. foreigner – is a magnetic word for many locals here. unlike perhaps in Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, a lot of fellow serbs share a divine love for foreigners providing them with an immediate advantage to easily become leaders and magically succeed. on the other hand, these same fellow countrymen hate serbian brothermen like myself, so go figure, this state of things is running in the local veins. then after several generations, your descendants possibly won’t stand a chance in Serbia, as Serbia will be looking out for some fresh new foreigners again to infatuate itself. so be advised, it is your turn to put away invisibility cloak and enter a world of worshiping. better make that 'wrong turn' now.



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