Wednesday, June 07, 2017

fuck this place. this is fuckin’, what it is.

alex jones and the great admirer of american society mr. vladimir putin helped me in preparation of this post. shall quote what great lines they implemented into my head that are related to my Serbian experience as well:

1)      i am promoting rennaisance and freedom.

2)      they hate me because i am christian.

3)      russia understands soft power

4)      be open be free be strong and everyone is going to like being with you

5)      do not go around making everybody do what you want like russia was doing before that

6)      let's expand on that, she knows that the public is dumbed down, at least her audience

7)      they are creating a sensation out of nothing and out of sensation they turn it into a weapon of war against the whomever. well this is amazing - you people are just creative overthere. good jobs. your lives must be boring. total lies. they are trying to implement something out of nothing. not even the thin air. that is how they play these games  

once these aggressive serb (not all serbs of course - many are good ones - but inclusive of aggressive serbs and aggressive gypsies and other aggressive nationalities that live here) guys get onto something there is no way they will back down or get off easily until they completely wreck that thing or until their victim is showing the signs of life. now they got a new twist in their madness thanks being to my latest postings whereby I was trying to explain some facts. today also I was in the post office, kumodraska street, belgrade, sending something to a friend and it seems that the new must do harassment on the part of clerks reflects loud and intended repeating of my address and phone number as well as the recipient's contact details so the “people” hear so the aggressive ones among them could be aware of who they can terrorize plus where and how to do it. there were not too many people in the post office today so I did not protest it. in maxi store on kumodraska street cashier behave as well like I owed something to her or perhaps as if she knew more about me than I wanted to know, obviously trying to exploit on my latest posting while coughing on purpose etc. the others cannot even act. in a number of recent events motherfuckers be like coming in front of me capsizing bottles acting as if they are very thirsty and then suddenly dropping, drinking and dropping repeatedly for like 15 times in half a minute, this stupid see through act was going on and on and I was thinking to myself what a dimwitted bunch of bastards, go fuck yourselves stupid aggressive serbian assholes you are nothing but the bunch of cuck sucking stupid motherfuckers! I mean they are reflecting on my recent post about the florida lawyer – and they are instructed what to do and they know why they are doing it. basically, to provoke. in fact, I do not believe they are regular citizens, I think these creeps work for the government because there is an entire scenario in place that has got two major demands for each role. they have to hold their drinks and then come in front of me and act as if they are drinking eagerly. how darn stupid you have to be to think of something like that? it is an insult to intelligence. and many were choking with their drinks, coughing it up because they were acting badly. this then seems to be the serbian saint triangle: kicks, spits, man made noises, coughing sprees… it revolves. once I complain about one thing they switch to same old though another though.   

on the other hand – like today – I often run into those opposite from brilliant montenegrin serb looking types that drive dark suvs and that menacingly stare down at me while shaking their heads in disbelief and anger, as they drive by. not a slightest provocation on my part but I feel that given their ego if they made that stop they would be very trigger happy as they are all packing. these guys do not engage in fist fights unless they outnumber the opponent and will not hesitate to pop a cap. them on the other side of law with stacks of benjamins and me clinging onto my last dollars, where is the justice?!! in other words in order to stare at me in that fashion someone had to gave them a go, and I am sure that someone is related to someone who consider himself compromised in this blog. which would be very wrong to connote as I did not compromise anyone unless they directed their hatred at me for no reason, whatsoever. In the end for whatever happened to me or will happen I assume the administration of George w is to blame. I will never forgive nor forget that in this world or another.


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