Wednesday, March 29, 2023

hey Novak, animals are more humane ...

even Novak is not someone 
whom they would listen, 
he has got enemies here too
it is a déjà vu writing about this … as if these attacks are coming from one page handbook on ‘what to do when encounter that individual’ - today, march 29th 2023 I came to kalenic flea market and in the vicinity as I was exchanging money for serbian money I was coughed at by the unknown individual - a guy intentionally stood close behind me, almost breathing down my neck and intentionally coughed on me which in any normal country is a felony-level crime and normal people do not intentionally spread germs to their countrymen which is a life-changing condition … as a result I vouch animals, wild or not, in comparison to these serbs deem to be more humane. not to mention that I feel sick and faint tonight having to go to bed earlier than usual, I have a light headache and feel an onset of some viral disease. soon after at kalenic market I was coughed on by several more unknown individuals and I overheard several loud and targeted jokes on homosexuals as well as individual homophobic screams related to queerness over my back which were directed to provoke – perhaps to take the heat off the current regime in public places as many serbian leaders are labeled as homosexuals and they do not like it. Im not homosexual myself and being a man of the world I do not care who is and who is not. I feel that I was targeted and attacked on purpose by these serbs and that they were instructed by the serbian government [secret service, power clans] to go at me. taking the heat off some hot serbian topic of the day, political or not, is perhaps what is behind those attacks. I do not want to be serbian scapegoat, I have repeated that numerous times, however, same verbal and non-verbal attacks continue, we are going in circles, there is no protection from anywhere, no help, no way to progress and to move away from my position where I have to make these occasional contacts with the wicked and merciless public in order to survive, and that is why I mentioned deja vues in the first sentence herewith as the same things are happening year after year … every time I go out there is something, but usually I have already been through it and it is mind boggling as animals would have more brains than these countrymen from hell. by their actions, they are admitting one thing that nobody in Serbia wants to admit – they all know me and by allowing their serbian signature sub-rosa torture to continue, other countrymen cannot be any better than the torturers themselves because nobody never stood up and said – hey guys, it ant right, stop doing that! it is obvious that the serbian regime is not only reluctant to stop this gangstalking but it is actually adding insult to injury. being deeply inhumane is all they know ... in my dreams, to prove that help is a big relief, and to make me feel that Im not alone on this planet, before going to Africa, i think brave missionaries, and who else, would have to clear, triage and heal this small ignited spot in the Serbian part of Europe to show importance to the subject and shake hands with me to demonstrate - without fear - some power to the residents of this country showing also that there are people who still care and the mankind has got some pretty rules that need to be followed


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