Wednesday, April 21, 2021

surrounded by enemies

Serbian vandals scratched and bruised my car ...  again. they are - most likely - new local heroes now! bragging about their victorious acts. i feel as if i have been Austrian Emperor Franz Ferdinand's true doppelgänger around here because i was forced into feeling so.

belgrad, serbia, april 21st 2021

with so many affairs and sex scandals in serbian political life I am nearly positive some serb powers to be are running their mouths trying to make a scapegoat out of me - a small ass smokescreen - probably hatemongering by saying a "let's go ahead - get that guy, he is the american spy" lie all over the place - so my life has been on the line again as of recently with so many regular [but unknown to me] serbs on the streets showing off aggression and creating psychological pressure. i am pretty sure that without help of friendly American agencies or similar European peer entities [pls. partake and ty in a.] i will not make it acting alone - let alone find a soulmate in Serbia let alone Albania; my countrymen will start being more provocative and physical and serbian regime will start spinning people from discrimination and subtle aggression into the final stages of prejudice - physical attacks and extermination. thus i will be grateful to any entity that can stand behind, block and relieve any pressure off of me by demonstrating to the cloaked apparatchiks who the daddy really IS! in other words, I just wanna be left alone but it deems truly impossible in S.E.R.B.I.A.



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