Monday, March 15, 2021

repeatedly Serbia shows its demonic side.

what a lousy life living in a country whose customs destroys books while
opening packages to see what they are like it is some illegal substance and i should have made a video of my opening on arrival for you to witness how barbaric serbian officials can be while they were "checking" the insides of the carefully packaged book detaching its cover in the process. in this country you can buy diplomas and become anything you want without even going to school - that is why i believe that person who did it hates books and most likely does not have any real school time. it could be nothing personal. in addition they charged ca. u$15.00 in Serbian fees for the books that cost around u$50.00 . is it a jinx to always come across one culturally challenged serb or are they overwhelming majority now? a caring person is becoming an ultimate rarity nowadays. life spent in serbia is pure waste of time. if you remember that flick wrong turn you can try it. welcome to hell! 

P.S.: i just looked at their slip - image enclosed herewith - and it seems to be the same person i complained about earlier. it does not matter who it were though now it seems it could have been the revenge. it has been put down somewhere, not having any empathy nor remorse, negligence, haughtiness, and vengefulness have become the major character qualities around here. 
P.S.S. not all fees are seen on the image enclosed, they charged more than you see


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