Sunday, March 07, 2021

something fishy and more reasons for new chills in Serbia


keep fucking smiling

... and saying
Im fucking normal.

Serbia an't going ruining my sanity.


in recent telephonic conversation a friend stated that he felt like five different spy agencies were eavesdropping on our conversation due to all of the echoing, buzzing, pitch changing, and squealing that was going on in the background. and then this, on Friday, March 5, 2021, as i left my car parked nearby Kalenic market in Belgrade, around 21PM, i came back over half an hour later only to find that someone was disconnecting power in order to, most likely, set up a tracking or listening device. go figure!

if FBI was messing around with your vehicle they would have never ever left a sloppy job like that, see the photo enclosed above. should i say Im not okay with it. CODE motherfuckers, it's effin' called THE CODE, punch it in when you are done messing with my property, bozos. any authorized dealer has it and the top state security clearance allows for it unless what you are doing is completely illegal. furthermore, last week while parking my vehicle at nighttime i was passed by a spooky man acting as a woman while most likely sporting a female human latex mask full on which recently has been a sure trademark of the professional killers in Serbia. my camera caught a glimpse and you could see he is goose stepping:
and also this was left in my way as I was going to meet a friend as if someone had known where I was heading to, not necessarily a message but quite unusual and worth considering. 

if these things described herewith were anything intentional then i have no clue as to why or who could have been the one behind this, however, there is insane number of evil and dangerous people in this country that have been trying to non-verbally communicate with me trying to imply ominous messages. i assume their intentions were to scare you to death. even if you mind your business like me - Im the sure example - you can and will be the target unless you are protected somehow. on second thoughts, the well known Serbian mob lawyer who represents the guy that attacked me in 2018 may have been running the show in the background. it appears as if someone must have been running the show. the clue gives the identification of the ones that benefit most! so then whom should we follow? we follow the money, follow out the women or do we go after the serbian insanity ... ...


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