Monday, January 25, 2021

calling out legal sharks once again to help sort out things in the international legal waters

currently the most extreme croat fascists [cloaking as serbian patriots and nationalists] are in charge in serbia while croatia itself is currently governed by the democrats.
serbian leadership with respect to me operates and thinks like the mob therefore it is the mob.
the guy, most likely either him or his wife - the bia associate, who had originated the newest wave of persecution couple of months ago, i won't be repeating his name, has been backed up by the powerful serbian entity - either highest levels of the serbian government or bia - serbian equivalent to american CIA. it has been the jewel of defamation, they created. i repeat injurious falsehood is a tort and these reckless acts if nothing else happens
leave psychological scars that last a lifetime. let's make some money before they kill me. that money can help you and save me; period. beware not too many single Americans are richer than the richest Serbs, we are talking billions and billions and billions of dollars - the new money. funny but true.

if anything happens to me you know who killed me. i had to backtrack and erase some recent information on the posts herewith because of some coincidences that have occurred. there are way too many coincidences so Im calling it an Act of Gxd for the time being


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