Sunday, May 03, 2020

corona looking oranges sold in METRO stores belgrade (Serbia) -||- Der Sieg Wird Unser Sein

file under: / INV operative JRN / corp. failures / prsn. story / complaint / dfts / raw
how does corona look like? in my imagination it may look exactly like the stuff seen on these oranges I bought a few days ago (april 28th 2020) in METRO Cash & Carry Serbia store in Zemun, Belgrade, Serbia as run by Andre Rinnensland. those oranges originate from spain but in the matter of days they were mysteriously spoiled. as I have learned today (may 3rd 2020, just 4 days after), according to the METRO store manager (who did not identify himself) I should have complained in 24 hours AND NOT LATER. this guy did not want me to waste his precious time any further and it appeared he was in the mood to fight. he said: I ant gonna go to our archives – yep exactly the words he used – to find out when you had made this purchase. and his female under associate (at the entrance) added a little bit earlier: I know you; you were returning some things earlier as well. my answer was: of course, I did - because the things were no good. so I made a trip of over 15 miles into one direction and over 15 miles back home only to find out it was to no avail. they made me carry out their oranges from the store as if they were contagious with corona. that was when I decided to put this entry up and I told them – I could write about it, the manager did not care. congratulations METRO! they made me believe that if the fruits you buy in their stores should last for only 24 hours. and they made me feel like a small-time crook even though I spent over 10 euros for this cca 6 kilos of valencia oranges. here are solid proofs beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt that the purchase was made - with exact date, time, hours, minutes and even on their label when the stuff was measured just minutes before the purchase (printing of receipt on the register) and since I used  debit card it shows when their register rang me up so there should have been no lies between us – but the store manager could not make it to METRO “archives” for it was only 5 kilos of oranges, as he said, because he had other more important stuff to do. oh, archives, how classic does it sound, like he would have had to breeze through tons of paper – even though the popular opinion is that this could be the age of computers. if he wanted to, he could have finished this customer issue in minutes. but I reckon it must be METRO’s policy of doing business. it is german company so they might not give a damn about some “lousy” serbian "swines". look at these oranges aren’t they neat, full of juice and eatable. geile scheiße, alter! these photos were made today, by me. naturally, who says Serbia is the country of overpriced, low quality, third grade items dumped overhere from all over the world?!!! I say not.
P.S.: on trying to settle this matter with another Andre Rinnensland's store manager by calling 011 3777 177 on may 4th, 2020, I was given ( a highly professional ) advice that i should have eaten 5.745 kilos of oranges in one day and thus not let them spoil. bravo, METRO, bravo!!! you are opening horizons. Der Sieg Wird Unser Sein ;) all the way 


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