Friday, March 13, 2020

how do serbs deal with "pussies"

belgrade, serbia, 3/13/20

this evening i went to the infamous Dutch owned supermarket chain in belgrade - Delhaize Maxi store on autokomanda square.
in the wake of Corona virus COVID-19 concern, i was the only one wearing the protective surgical mask inside and  the store was filled with shoppers filling their baskets with toilet paper, water and various other items.

everything went fine until I was on my way out when the young male store employee, a real 'pussy' himself, lifted a wooden pallet and waited for my approach nearby the trash bin in the parking lot and as I came close by he dropped that pallet with force in front of me like the caveman in the hills would throw rocks toward a bison herd in the valley. I guess the idea was to damage my hearing. imagine if any lawyer, doctor or celebrity shopper was in my place, would it happen to them? would this p.o.s. wait to drop the damn thing onto their ears to make a really loud crash?

that said, this is an all-out war here. one against the thousands if not hundreds of thousands or millions. in addition to this, my right eye burns so I was targeted with laser somewhere this evening, perhaps in the vicinity of the same store or when i was parking car in my neighborhood. they like war and are always itching but what if the real war comes by quickly, so at least that desire of many locals is finally satisfied. i hope all those serbs that are after me will find an equal match! i hope i will then be out of their spotlight and just relaxing as the watcher on the side, fingers crosssed !


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