Friday, April 19, 2019

I will never be able to open up a business or restaurant that will be an equal opportunity player. so how can we talk about liberty then?

next to safety there are many things that concern me around serbia. I will never be able to open up a business or restaurant that will be an equal opportunity player. so how can we talk about liberty then? i will never be able to marry and have children in serbia. i will never have a fair trial at the most corruption prone courts of first or second instances. I do not feel as a third-grade citizen, moreover, I feel as the serbian slave. a number of serbs thrive in making all kinds of jokes about people, of course those that do exclude themselves, so I have been up at the top of the odium and insult chain here and the one insult that I find mostly insulting is to be labeled gay. I like gays, I’d love to have gay friends, number one choice would have been Anderson Cooper, such a nice guy. it is the transparently free gay worldwide community today and all the gays have come out of closet, so to call someone who is not a gay - gay is insult to his intelligence. that is why I like to dress to fit the description, to fight fire with fire. and this is what give some serbs more material to work with. and more power to instigate as well. last night around 21:45 one unprovoked young serb walking with the group of buddies on sidewalk targeted me as I was driving and waiting for a traffic to move, by calling out: what’s up!! as I was looking to see if he was talking to me he then uttered a more threatening type of: what’s up, again.

furthermore, I have seen Tom Hanks on the street in new York city once and I did not even bother to turn around and look after him. it was a long time ago. here in Serbia, as soon as I pass certain groups of people, especially the younger ones, they are turning around looking after me as if the greatest celebrity passed by. small countries like Serbia like to create myths and sensationalize. while in the united states, the situation is more down to earth.

desexualizing the planet

when Gxd finds himself balancing out 
what is good for the future 
of this planet, 
I guess this will be the number one country
 where genes 
will mutate 
creating all female population 
for two generations
 in a row 
which no sperm banks 
will be able to repair.

we all can read 
that the incidence of fertility doctors 
swapping donor sperm with 
their own 
is unusually high, 
so what the world is going 
to look like for a while 
– picture Genghis Khan’ Mongolia, 
1 in 200 
direct descendants 


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