Tuesday, April 09, 2019

bitch moves and hysterical mob moves

it is not always the case but most of the time, the troublemakers I’m dealing with are physically or emotionally underdeveloped and quite challenged men and women that bear complexes for their funny looks and heights and that combined with criminal mindset triggers no good challenges when these folks come across me where they sense undeserved superiority.
serbian church in Philadelphia, USA. St Nicholas. that’s where my problems originated within the serbian community and the Yugoslav spies therein whose job was to figure out who was against the Yugoslav regime back then. that was where I was initially painted as a criminal. all my Yugoslav friends know that I was musician (one may even say a lousy one) and college kid before coming to the states committing no crime whatsoever. all of a sudden in the united states I became a criminal. wow! but the lies repeated hundred times have stuck until this day. I can explain why there was no aegis for me in the serbian community, however not on the blog here where I would have to cite names probably forming a formidable coalition of enemies again.

the rumors were born there or at their headquarters in belgrade. the problem was the rumors were false. however, every time I encountered career criminals - by assuming the rumors were true they held a grudge as in their criminal mindset they recognized me not as criminal but as an idiot. and they were correct! we were never tuned in to the same note to begin with. in the eyes of criminals, normal people are regularly regarded as idiots - who are then left alone. I was never left alone because the criminals have been thinking that we were in the same ballpark. not by a long shot. in their constant willingness to compete and doggishly overcome their kind I always presented a challenge. this guy is an idiot because he is not invincible and invisible like us. woe to him!

based on my experience I am amazed what a mixed bag of professional criminals and amateur enthusiasts confronted me in public during the period spreading in just over two decades. it far outnumbers anything imaginable.


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