Saturday, January 19, 2019

Pain in the ass in Novak Djokovic’s country

I would not be writing about this if it does not concern my well-being, otherwise I hate this topic.
National disunity and betrayal have been symbolized by the serbian coat of arms (4 S turning back onto each other), disharmony has been plaguing serbian nation since the middle ages. I would not have been hated by the serbs if I was not serb myself. highly plain-minded like sheep, many serbs assume rumors promptly which makes them believe anything, and with respect to me they believe we are not on the same level. they think i am a damn shame and they are better. at the same time, these same guys are sadomasochistically trying to get into croat’s ass, not accepting the fact that 100% of croats hate them (the usual croat insult, e pluribus unum, for serbs is - turkish blooded gypsies.) furthermore, my countrymen believe that if you are stained or tagged you are then bad example for the community because EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD MUST LIKE US,  EVEN OUR ENEMIES. this is the serbian trip and everlasting fallacy – everybody must like serbs, because we are the best and only, the most hospitable people on the planet (meant in the submissive, servant way.) thinking about it, did Krist Novoselic of Nirvana (the music band) write song Serve the Servants having the current day Balkan mentality in mind? my problem is – in reference to me, serbs took part in the creation of evil rumors which are the basis for general hatred and provocations I experience in public. actually, the rumors must have been started by the Yugoslav community in Philadelphia, USA where I lived and in that respect all I am curious about is karmic experience of people that ruined my life and family there – are they and their families better off now? they should be because they realized what they wanted to. I assume they were the Yugoslav government agents working for UDBA secret service pretending to be the regular church going Americans as it was confirmed to me by Mr. Velja Abramovic in telephonic conversation. same goes for serbs in serbia - those that are targeting me. are their lives and well-being better off now for doing it? let me point out to another fact – if any individual wanted to target any other individual on this scale – several hundred thousand serbs against only one citizen of Serbia - would it be possible without the assistance of government agencies? as a consequence, they are progressively trying to find my bads and the first thing they always come up with is – what a fool, he did it to himself. now really, if I wanted to do something like that to me – would it play out on this level and scale? c’mon. be real.

many serbs thus assume I had ashamed the nation and consequently I am not on par so they even deny my origin. as of this morning the unknown and superficially known people are provoking me by calling gypsy, the highest insult among the serbs. for example, many true native gypsies like soccer players Dragan Dzajic or Sinisa Mihajlovic shun their ancestry for fear of all the negatives this association comes with in Serbia. as a response with respect to that I feel as if a bunch of wild sheep has taken it out on me. I think nothing of the people that do not appreciate fine art, there is nothing to talk about, and as far as the present feedback from the serbian community is escalating in negative fashion, this confrontational attitude on the part of many serbs is going to last. in all honesty, figuring out my present-day countrymen, I’d rather be anything but the serb, a gypsy or any animal. Yes. it assumes more freedom. and separates you from hatred and negative attitude that you are experiencing by being close in spirit.

furthermore, many serbs that are trying to get to me still consider themselves yugoslavs. but there is Yugoslavia no more, and nobody wants to be with the serbs in yugoslavia. on the other hand serbian narcissistic attitude that comes as EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD MUST LIKE US, EVEN OUR ENEMIES constantly pushes the envelope because many serbs are forcing on their hospitality by unnaturally extending it to everyone. so it is a fucked up situation. the natural thing to do would be to extend hospitality to another serb - me. but no. they have other ideas. foreign friends tell me leave Serbia for good, what are you doing there, time flies by. but I have been starting new several times already, starting fresh is always a pain in the ass anywhere.


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