Friday, November 09, 2018


do you have freedom or rights when you are under massive slander and persecution in country where everyone knows you like it was the smallest village?
without a cloak of secrecy which I was not promised to have after arriving to serbia from the united states - when you are publicly exposed to any son of a bitch out here to be an outlet for their frustrations, then you don’t.

YESTERDAY I was asked to help friends out by filming and shooting some material during a book promotion at the national museum of serbia. the promotion was scheduled to start as of 19:00 hrs last night and I was told to use my cell phone as the organizer could not bring professional camera as promised. little did I know that by moving my ass around and setting up a standard as well as pace by aggressively pursuing my tasks, the other hired photographers would experience me as professional threat and trouble, particularly this serbian s.o.b. on the left side in the photo enclosed herewith.
there is a rat race ongoing in serbia and serbian rats do not like you winning - being ahead in the game all the time. alas, when I came close to him, from a feet away, this bastard who obviously did not want to move his ass much (not paid enough?) shot two rounds of high-powered flash directly into my face without warning - saying only “sorry, I just needed to prepare and check my camera.” shocked and saddened - I could have made a scandal by jumping back on bastard to wrestle him to the ground over the chairs, probably breaking his fancy camera, but I waited it out with fuzzy vision and strong pain in the back of the head throughout the entire presentation. talking about serbian bastards. this serbian bastard totally ruined my mood for the evening. I did complain to my friends about this. this is another photo of this serb i took out as a screenshot from my video, imagine your eyes being hit with the power of that flash from a feet away, twice:

as I came out into the cold serbian night with thoughts on how the modern day serbs are fascinatingly evil and why God has put me into this situation, I was up for another surprise. as soon as he saw me standing at a bus stop by the museum, there started approaching and whistling this Japanese little rascal fellow staring at me all the time. as he came really close invading my private space, with a lot of empty place lying around, he started opening a bottle of cola a foot away from me and started drinking in front of my face not even trying to move his gaze away. obviously, he was provoking me. what bothers is not what he was doing – but the fact that he did not know me which makes his act pointless and boils it down to simple persecution. in that moment, in just one instance there went my idea and myth of the national japanese superiority as if that country was above all and its people smarter than the rest of us. I had really thought that.

when I analyze the stupidity and ignorance around me with obvious presence of tons of escalating slander and persecution patterns which had to be sponsored and cooked in the kitchen of governmental agencies (Serbia and/or the United States, or both) in order to turn the attention away from breaking up of my family, lying and ruining my life – i only understand there should have been a hefty, massive amount of damages of at least U$ 100 million in play, which is why it must be cheaper to them to continue persecution and agenda of the public enemy number one since there is no higher authority that would bring these governments or at least the responsible people therein to justice. i am talking about invisibility and decoy items, if they did not really want to persecute me. someone has been tasked with escalating the situation regarding my ill-being for years. I think serbs were told: do not worry; he is so scared; go get him; whenever you do something to him, he will drop a few brown smelly lumps from his behind. for example; in comparison; vuk draskovic who is by far the most hated individual in serbia according to comments on the net, does not have any problem in public and walks freely with his head up high. i have seen and witnessed it.


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