Sunday, October 28, 2018

belgrade, serbia. in survival mode all the time

do not know even how - but i stumbled upon a video of someone giving a grossly apt portrayal saying 'life here is a fucking grind; people here are cold and distant and have this weird mix of superiority complex and massive amounts of insecurity about themselves and massive emotional repression; they do their best to avoid each other.' i thought he was talking about b.S. (Belgrade, Serbia) taking them words out of my mind. but no, that pour soul grossly failed me. he does not even know HOW LUCKY he is - to have not been born in dog-eat-dog Serbia. if he was born here with dominant-(to-their-own-kind-only) serbs his problems would have most definitely escalated in logarithmic fashion and his story would have been a different one altogether. take me for example. does this guy truly think his ass does not stink? if he is good, then what would make him think those serb guys feel compassion for him and entitlement to ruin existence of someone else, be it belgrade or novi sad, as there will always be at least one asshole who will be doing crazy shit, making noises behind, spitting, etc.? my guess is - he must be on payroll for glorifying what could only be described as abnormal. or, yet, he does not know that next to suffering from insecurity - serbs also have a great inferiority complex when it comes to foreigners (this includes local minorities as well). however, there is a huge life-threatening superiority complex when it comes to their peers. and when you notice what's wrong and talk to normal people advising them like i do in my blog they will have tendency to correct themselves and become better men. it is not always the case with certain serbian people, they will fail you every time. i do trust this guy when he says that it is very gutt to be a foreigner in serbia. 'respected as foreigner' bears another dimension here. hell, det must be why i want to be foreigner in my own country. and carefully that's what i wish for. i need that namibian passport.


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