Tuesday, May 29, 2018

serbian - montenegrin hatred

one thing I cannot figure out for sure. who hates me more – serbs or montenegrins? i can only describe montenegrin hatred as unfounded and stupid hatred like when you hate what you do not understand type of hatred. it's tribal. and it’s so obvious because it is so low. i cannot see a single legit reason for montenegrins to hate me and the majority of problems started exactly with them. on the other hand, serbian hatred is hatred based on jealousy and differences. if serbs look at you like you are the lower type of being (you do not have rich guys, mafia or money behind as a back up type of thing; you do not have a cool passport/nationality; you are not an approved star; you did not kill anyone; they are not afraid of you - you do not have reputation of a dangerous person; you do not have a foreign sounding name) in their eyes you do not deserve to live let alone be better in anything. they may have a family – you do not, they may go to vacation, you do not, they may do or have whatever - you name it, but if only after that, they envy you for any small thing, the smallest imaginable, you will be the toast in their mind. they will be setting you up and waiting for your downfall. there is not anything more lousy and dishonest imo. 
plus, in addition to the said, both are mixing in aggression with their hatred. for example right after writing the upper portion of this article i went out to walk with my dog in byford's forest in belgrade. after half an hour there came a guy - could be a boxer - running by. he could have spat for hundred yards before he approached and in a hundred yards after he passed by. not! he spat right at us with hatred from half a yard away. another couple of boxers, judists or wrestlers came running by. one of them spat by my face! this translates to one constant - serbian sportsmen are nothing but bums. completely biased and unfair. have this in mind next time you play them and defeat them with grace so they taste the miserly karma. some nations should be forbidden to partake in sports until they achieve more advanced social development, manners and fair-play. i cannot say do not let serbs or montenegrins play internationally, but this blog screams to the lords of the universe to wake the -f up.


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