Thursday, July 22, 2021

I am in code black in this serbian valley of death … roger that

to be honest it is not me who is trying to escalate these crazy and dangerous ideas, actions, and thoughts; it is someone powerful in serbia who needs to create drama but the things are obviously happening - and thus they call for the reaction

secrecy confers tremendous status upon regular citizens who are trying to maim to become national heroes

I mean my spirit is currently set back in time and I live in america of 1970s now and just for being different I am felt, singled out, and hated to death in Serbia. just out today on my birthday I took three large sips of mineral water at the restaurant near kalenic market and felt like toilet cleansing liquid was mixed inside. I felt burning in my throat. I immediately glanced over towards the waitress who was cuddling up with her boyfriend in the corner and it seemed to me he had a murderous “Che Guevara” grin on his face looking over towards my direction but not directly at me. but do I have to be concerned if I feel that something ant right [at all]? was she made do it? was the waitress (made) an accomplice? she did not feel too shining bright to me? now I feel dizzy and wasted … everything would have been different if she opened a bottle before me … why serbian waiters are coming up with already opened bottles … why they do not open them in front of you or let you do it … what if they have a grudge against you – if you are infamous and everybody knows you? … I do not feel that much trust … it makes you feel anxious and nervous even if everything else is okay, and now it wasn’t with how I felt … in the country where you get only a couple of years for plain murder will they feel any responsibility for poisoning and incapacitating you in some degree? that is only a few weeks of house arrest and a title of national hero if the victim was someone the nation hates. that is if you overcome all obstacles [inclusive of legal ones] so good luck trying to be the sheep winning its case in the land of wolves. it feels like many people in Serbia were given a secret go to go ahead and get me [not just get to me] … just put something heavy in his drink … it will be classified … it feels like that … as the order was given from the tops … gritty reality ... SOMEONE must know something if so many people are involved … sometimes I have facts, sometimes I do not … but haika [another serbian word for it] feels brutal and organized … today I brought the bottle with me and the water or something else is still inside … I will set it on fire and see if it burns, plain water would not keep up the flame if there ant no chemicals in it … I won’t mention the name of the place since this morning I saw the rogue cop who gave me the ticket out of spite few years ago waiting in line in the bakery [probably buying bourek] that belongs to the chain I mentioned last month … it is like giving these people the business when you complain of their [possible] wrongdoings … everything is set to appear upside down in serbia ...



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