Sunday, May 12, 2019

something to think about

if I had wanted to die in an “involuntary suicide by government” scenario, I would have gone to the united states to attend serbian church services there, waiting for the serbian government to recall me back to serbia to deal with me. wait! that sounds very familiar.
ever since i came to serbia numerous individuals were killed as a collateral damage over mistaken identity in serbian mob wars. those that were working for the Yugoslav secret service (present retirees that were organizing government sponsored murders) openly allege on television morning shows that those wars are now affected by the governments. not my words.

recently I noticed an article with alarming title in the line of: the mob is looking after this guy throughout the entire region. the portrayed person even looks something like me, especially with glasses and cap on in the evening there would be a serious doubt who's who. when CIA operatives were arresting me in the States they produced a photo of the person that looked very much like me, and when they asked me if it was me, I stupidly replied 'yes' even though I never had the kind of jumper that was visible in the photo. naturally, I do not recall how big of a lookalike that person was because the photo was produced for a brief second and I was stunned. to be dealt by CIA is to be dealt by the order of angels compared to this region wherein there has always been a potential for many things to go south.


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