Thursday, March 14, 2019

gouge out his eyes – cannot continue the American Dream in Serbia

eyes hurt. serbs in high places do not care whether what I wrote was fiction or not; they just go for the throat. in my case, it is gouge out his eyes. at two o’clock in the morning I got a blue-type eye-gouging military grade laser ray coming in through the window. otherwise, in some more generous times, that’d sound like the thingy the locals could use to roast a roadkill. the car from where it was pointed takes off abruptly as if the driver knew that I was suddenly watching. was he trying to set the curtains on fire? I have no idea what goes on and why?
I am a big guy. I go outside. I suspect somebody is in the yard. I am ready to preach. I’ll say, well, good morning perpetrator, uhm, do not fall victim to the devil’s hand, you know. but nobody is out there. as of recently I have clues. perhaps some Intel a little bird told me; or just a premonition about a terrible witch-hunt that has been on.
I dangle the advice here from me to you. if you are looking for the auspices, better join the mob than knights templar. my experience with serbian k.t. has been very very bad. apparently, they have tons of money, enough that they can gouge out eyes and get away with it, or whatever is the call. the situation is so out of control anyone related to them (the closest relatives or associates) can take the initiative by intervening and seeking reprisal and retaliation for allegedly endangered reign and the rattled nest (without approval of the organization/order.) has that moment come for their sweet revenge, I don’t know. I do not feel safe. something is going on. the mob, you know, at least has got some rules. I may had written about serbian K. Templar members on this blog for transparency and to protect myself – because the things were apparently done for reasons unknown and they deemed as if they were being directed against my well-being. and they still are. now war cries are heard in the background. I know they have the ability and motif. and who else has it…. those that do not believe that to write is to live in liberty; they want to destroy my liberties and my sight. Serbia is not safe ground, not by a long shot. many locals are involved in doing the devil’s work. something too much terrible is going on. Novak Djokovic is losing muscle memory. heavens above, what the world is coming to and who is responsible?


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