Monday, August 14, 2017

"I killed bakari Henderson" II

afternoon, belgrade, august 15th: another driver (on the bus line 23; Cvijiceva bus stop; around 18:10hrs) was intentionally airing brakes as I was entering bus which engulfed me in the smelly cloud of asbestos particles from the braking system thus I proceeded only one stop and exited on Takovska Street right nearby the national television headquarters of serbia.
I went into delhaize store (takovska  9) to buy something to drink and as soon as I entered two female workers started behaving like crazy as if I was a robber who tried to rob the store or steal something, one followed me around remaining behind my back like a shadow all the time. I noticed their unusual behavior and asked what’s up, why they’ve been acting weird and all wired up; one of them naturally denied. but it was not only me who spotted their behavior. a couple of blonde, Aryan looking foreigners that could have been german but also danish and/or Norwegian did notice the commotion as well. the foreign man started chasing behind me while making intentional noises. I made my purchases super quick trying to end the ordeal. I was thinking too to video record their faces but I felt sorry for the poor souls (I think I sensed they were not deliberately targeting me but were just following the Serbian drift) and I was too tired to act quickly. the prejudiced action of the foreign couple really surprised me as I was always thinking that germans and Nordic nations were bright people. it also spoiled my plans to visit those countries at one time, I think I won’t. they must have been thinking too that I "killed bakari Henderson." I wished more foreigners were following what serbs did and said when I was not involved. is there a crime that i have not done in serbia ?!! It is one huge fuck you for all those involved.


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