Wednesday, September 22, 2021

you know what you did back in the U.S.?!!!

enough of their bullshit [cont. from the previous post] … last year, the last time I met someone related to lonchar’s cuisine of bullshit, when I started reminiscing about my time spent in the states and the rest of the so-called “American serbian friends” [snitching on me to the serbian BIA who's currently blocking up my life] and the legal system hanging me out to dry, they promptly stopped me dead in my tracks stating: wow milo, like you do not remember what you were doing back in the united states, huh…?!!!

when I heard the condemning comment, I was able to quickly retort:

so you say; as if you do not know I murdered a federal judge while during an intense highway shootout I killed two cops and wounded another patrol officer … so I thought I almost got away with it, but living in Serbia leaves me feeling like a fish out of water … it is the well deserved punishment …



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