Monday, September 11, 2023

demoniacal possession and unethical fanaticism in belgrade art traders (gallery owners)

it is obvious that the fine art scene in Belgrade is led and polluted by people that are highly hostile and these are not just any kind but the Machiavellian type of enemies that got rich in the last decade by playing dirty and selling art, mostly via art galleries, and now they are actually trying to put everyone else out of business and left without prospects, I feel targeted much [by these hyenas] coming across dangerous lies and rumors everywhere that are actually invoking deadly forces as art is energy and unfortunately they are not aware how very much unfortunate future they are creating for them and their surrounding as there is universal force that corrects everything within its architecture; though often times when it bounces back it is acting slowly in human terms and it may strike someone down in their lineage … on the other hand, they are trying to make public image so it appears I am the person one cannot trust … they are doing that in collaboration with serbian secret service agents that work as art dealers “on the side” … these guys - because they have government badges - are on the constant power trips utilizing gaslighting techniques whenever possible calling me names and advising to “seek a professional help” … furthermore, this morning, an art collector living abroad and who -- according to his instagram account -- spent hundreds of thousands of euros in Belgrade art galleries decided not to trade something with me because “someone [some serbian art mover and shaker] advised him so …” … that Im pretty sure happened more times and on more occasions than I know of; … as a result of these monstrous constructs and rumors stemming from the ex-Yugoslav art community whose unscrupulous actors are acting from the shadows, I have been coming over hundreds of people (within general public) that have never met me but had heard rumors about me, and now they feel it is their turn to disrespect and bother in public not having a clue about anything and relying solely on hearsay (a gossip or a ditching buzz that is out there ... they must have heard something in order to act) … I am just wondering how would serbian government feel if the world starts poking and provoking them all of a sudden and without a cause ?!!

despite having to put up with tons of bullshit on everyday basis coming from several jealous and extremely adverse art gallery owners in Belgrade, Serbia (take it from me, the sole underlying reason is the money spread, they wanna have it all and claim and think they are all that and a bag of chips) and secret services stepping all over you (serbian government) there are more individuals that hold power that are involved in knife twisting such as the powerful mob lawyer (protected both by leading politicians and the mob) and devil's advocate b.b. and his daughter, also a mouthpiece, who are there to push you around likewise as i had written earlier. it all boils down to this - Serbia is not the place for the faint of heart, but it is certainly one unfair place where a lot of things need to happen to make the geometry straight and the first thing is to get rid of the patterns and divide et impera politics … let’s struggle,  strive, and hopefully survive. daće Bog ... or as they say in Serbia: nazdraviću dušmanima !


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